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I have been rethinking my plans after releasing all my God of War models. 

Initially, I wanted to conduct a simple vote to decide which franchise to work on next. However, I have considered the idea of having a monthly model vote instead. Each month, I would conduct a survey to find out your preferences for the models you'd like to see. 

The survey results would then be used to create a poll, allowing everyone to participate in selecting the model they want to see developed according to my format.


One reason I like this alternative is that it would provide a variety of models, rather than focusing on a single series for a long time. Additionally, this approach would allow me to improve my animation skills and create more consistent pin-up renders.

I believe this is a great idea, but I value your input and would like to hear your thoughts on it.



I just wanna see more obscure buff women.


This is a great idea there are a lot of characters that get no love. So it’s smart to switch from dive into singular franchises

Unhindered Fool

I support this. I think its a good idea. Plus imo its gives you an opportunity to put up a character you would like then others may agree.


Sounds nice, franchise diversity could be good


I support this 100%. I suggest characters that don't have a lot of models yet like MK characters.