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Just want to let you guys know if theres anything you guys want to do in life make sure you go after it. Currently Im in an artistic slump but I know that it will pass. Everytime I fail at doing something I really want to do, I get really unmotivated for a period of time and eventually I accomplish it. The current barrier for me is animation. That's been my goal ever since I got into this field, and I WILL accomplish it.



Hello if you don't mind me asking I'm new to 3d art I have a question regarding your images. Where did you get the clothes for your Kaitlyn model how did you attach them without the clothes stretching/ripping?


Hey, so the current workflow I'm using Is this. I get my clothes from daz and then import the clothes from daz to blender. All my models I use originally come from daz so all the bones and weights will be the same on the clothes. So its like this, Import model from daz, Import clothes from daz, parent the clothes to the armature using armature deform. Now the clothes should follow the character pretty nice. It wont be perfect but It will be a start.


Thank you so much for responding I never thought about using the daz models I have, I'm pretty bad at weight painting I'll definitely try that.