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So I’m going to bed Friday night, doing my normal nightly routine. I put my computer into sleep mode and as I’m walking away, I see all the lights turn off as if I shut it down. Not too worried about this because whenever I put my computer into sleep mode, sometimes it shuts itself down, I’m not sure why. Anyways 15 minutes go by and I can’t sleep, so I decided to get up and start working on this animation I’ve been doing. I go to turn on my computer and boom…nothing happens. I pressed the power button and it doesn’t turn on at all. It was at least 1 in the morning at this point so I was like “I’m not even going to worry about this today, tomorrow when I wake up, I’ll take a look at it”.


Next morning I woke up and can you guess what happened? Surprise, It didn’t turn on. Then I was like “ok, maybe my ram sticks are loose or some random cable isn’t on right”. I open my case, push down my ramsticks to tighten them and like 1 other random cable. I hit the power button and TADA, my computer turns on. So in my head, I’m like alright cool, since everything’s working I might aswell clean my PC at this point since it’s pretty dusty and I already took the glass piece off.

So after about an hour of dusting, blowing, screwing and wiping, I put everything back together. I plug my PC in and hit the power button. BOOM…nothing happens. At this point I’m like “what the fuck man…”. I start watching random YouTube videos and searching the internet trying to figure out what could cause this and everything i tried didn’t work. So I decided Its best to just get someone professional to look at it before I fuck anything else up.

So I googled some PC repair places near me and found 2 places. The first one I called, they didn’t answer so I left a message. They still haven’t called me back as of writing this message. Then I called another place and this time I got an answer. Long story short the conversation ended up with me driving about 8 minuets away to his location to get my PC looked at.

I arrive at the spot and it’s some random guys house. I’m like “Ah shit, I’m definitely not getting my PC back if I leave it here”. Anyways, I call him and tell him I’m outside to clarify this is the right place. He comes outside and its an older white guy, I’d say in his 50s. Anyways I get out the car, take my PC out the back and give it to him. Then we start walking on the left side of his house towards the back. As we get to the back, I see a house/shed and we walk in. What I saw inside made almost all my worries go away. This guy had like 25 PC’s, 2 Large Printers, A bunch of posters and some more stuff. When I saw this I knew that he at least knew what he was doing. He asks me what’s wrong with it, I tell him it just wouldn’t turn on. He asked “Did you unplug anything?” Instead of just saying yes, I decided to give him a quick rundown of my whole procedure that I did earlier when cleaning it. After my small demonstration, he spends about 15 minutes trying out miscellaneous techniques like unplugging and replugging some wires, shifting a couple things, and testing the power supply. The power supply was working but the computer still wouldn’t turn on. So he he told me that it’s not going to be just a “move a couple things here” kind of fix and said I had to leave it overnight so he can take some time to really check it.


The next day, I get a text from him and he tells me that my motherboard is basically cooked and that he’ll have to order a new one. I kind of have an idea of why this happened but I’m not too educated on PCs to validate this but basically when I go to bed, I don’t shut my computer off, I only put it to sleep. I’m not sure if that has something to do with it but that’s my best guess.

(After it’s gets fixed I’ll be definitely turning it off every night when I go to bed)

I’m not too stressed about this because I made sure I put away money every month for when a situation like this happens. In life I’ve released that’s isn’t a matter of if it’s going to try to fuck you over, it’s just a matter of when. So you have to be 1 step ahead at all times and make sure you’re prepared for anything.

As you’re reading this I’m slowly losing my mind. These last 48 hours have been the most boring hours of my life. Definitely opened my eyes to how Important Blender is to my life. All I can do is think about animating and moving shit around.

Hopefully it gets fixed by the end of today (Monday, May 13, 2024) because I don’t think I can handle another 24 hours without Blender.

But yea, that’s the story of my PC committing technological suicide. It shouldn’t impact my content upload frequency that much, maybe push some stuff I had planned back a day or 2 but nothing significant.

Thanks for taking the time to read this fam, without the support you show from patreon, to put it frankly, I’d be fucked right now. ❤️



Thanks for sharing your story. Similar thing happened to me but it was the Power Supply, luckily those have many years of warranty, so I got a completely new one for free. It feels like living in the dark ages without a computer!


Do you have whole house surge protection? Power surges can lead to hardware failure. A lot of people think that because they use the powerbar style surge protector that plugs into the wall that they're protecting their devices, but an electrical engineer pointed out to me that the only effective way for surge protection is right at the electrical box with one of these: https://www.amazon.ca/EATON-CHSPT2SURGE-Whole-Protector-Single/dp/B01LXRNOEI/ref=sr_1_5?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.LXL2x-UhoBI70iHR2HTNUwYrp5T2EFDDNrSUOtt3X5UQ9FM_kb6Rl51dL4ciewjxY-pXL0yGk_dvQmn5pP-tMpNUIXvXQwUCvfRBaBq3UrfwR64p_eqY2pNy6yMUoQuy4mOdaxZ62JEdFxB70x0sWKMI9v0TUG_fAEeAcpzEGIAefFmCqHfBnkdiOkFgZOAE-VxKYLI3WmGwZCFBPzfCgbuE6pXzuYJVOSMG7bJdDwf82zUZQsXmHIq6-zVLfDaKozGYzgJxBmYWuUloQfuGP-0zdU8AHcn0bYWbyBGno38.hfuIxLQJTUmCnpSVVaT15ETe2epAE2l2x2oyyUyh3lY&dib_tag=se&hvadid=588771267978&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9001170&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=14321811697908488463&hvtargid=kwd-332107682543&hydadcr=19962_13393186&keywords=whole-house+surge+protector&qid=1715948626&sr=8-5 That's the one I have installed on my breaker box. A lightning strike will still (probably) kill the protector and need replacement but it has a much higher chance of dispersing the excess electricity right to the grounding rods. Power bars/strips are basically a scam tbh. Anyways, I'll stop bombarding you with unwarranted information now. Just something to consider if you actually want to protect your expensive device that you use to generate income with.