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  • Fixed Teeth Mesh

  • Removed Excess Shape keys

  • Fixed Eye Blink Face Controller

  • Added compatible actions from old version

  • Added New Actions

  • Simplified Hair Shader

  • Fixed Hair Artifacts

  • Fixed Crashing on Hair Particle Implementation

  • Added Particle Hair Options

  • Added Stockings Option

    (You can toggle this with the "Yellow Mix" node at the bottom of the "Body" material)

    Model Folder


    After numerous requests, I've completed the creation of a female counterpart to my Illari model. In the process of this redesign, I seized the opportunity to revamp the FUTA model and put the finishing touches on the remake of Nyl's BG3 Shader. Remaking the shader was an extensive endeavor, requiring months of experimentation and refinement, but I'm pleased to announce that it's finally complete..

    I made a video giving a quick rundown of how to use the model, if anyone's interested you can watch it here.

    Video Link

    I've chosen to unveil this release publicly to offer those who are hesitant about supporting an opportunity to try out the model and determine if it's worth it. If you find yourself in that position, I hope this model assists you in your decision-making process as you consider joining the dark side. While most of my models will remain accessible only through a paywall, as Patreon currently serves as my primary source of income, my ultimate goal is to generate enough revenue to cover basic living expenses. Once that milestone is reached, I intend to make all models from that point on freely available to the public for universal use.

    In the near future I plan on porting some more overwatch models with the same setup. I really want to do an animation with Junker Queen or Zarya so those will most likely come first.

    But with everything in life, no promises.

    If you have any questions, feel free to shoot me a message!




Will there be Pharah model?


Probably not since Nyl has a FUTA version and if you need a female Pharah, you can just use the @PharahBestGirl version.


I don’t why,but your Pharah looks so much better than PharahBestGirl version,do you have the female Pharah? Is it possible to release the female version of your Pharah?


The Pharah version I use is made by @doublenyl on twitter. I don't believe he has a female version for it.