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✸ hello friends !!!

hello there, my dearest darling friends, and thank you so, so for joining me yet again - i hope you are doing well and having a lovely october so far!!!

✸ notion!? notion templates?!

what is notion? notion is a super amazing and versatile pplication and website, which i use for absolutely everything; planning my schedules, tracking habits and finances, saving links and writing down ideas, and so much more fun stuff !!  i know quite a few of you lovely, wonderful people also use notion, so i thought i would share a notion template every single month (sometimes multiple within a month) that you can use for yourself, or perhaps just take inspiration from !!! 
can you make a ____ template / tracker? if you have absolutely any requests, like me making a certain type of template, then please do feel free to comment below, i always love reading your ideas, and i'll try my best to make everything !! <33
how do i use this template? if you are new to notion / need any help with using this template, please do feel free to comment below or message me on discord, i'll reply to absolutely all comments with the most detail i can !!! when you click the link, there should be a 'duplicate' button in the top right, if you click that, you can make an account or sign in, and hopefully go from there - for everything after that stage, i will definitely make a notion tutorial and tour video in the future, hopefully in november, but for now i was a little too busy to create an actual tutorial, i am so so so sorry !! regardless, i am always here to help you, so please don't be afraid to comment, i'll reply in full to every single one !!! <333
click here to view template + duplicate for yourself ! <3 

✸ updates + ily !!! (kind of me just complaining lolololol sorry!!)

i never want to be negative on patreon because this is a very happy place, but yikes, i think this month has been cursed for me lolololol, almost everything has gone wrong in some way,,, T-T its 1:40am rn lololololol,,,,
currently there is a shortage in the UK of truck drivers / fuel supply & therefore huge postage delays, so my manufacturers for our october physical goodies have reached out to me and told me the items i ordered for october physical patreon mail are very delayed, ahhhhh!!! but it's okay, hopefully, hopefully, hopefully, i can still send out all patreon mail soon, but it will unfortunately be later than i planned because of this delay within the UK postage system :(( i will be including SO many freebies in this months physical mail packages to make up for it <333
my physical health has also been... eeee.... very bad.... recently... but i'm still here & i'm very happy, so everything is okay !!! this will explain most of the delays this month, i've been physically too sick to make as much as i planned, but i can feel myself getting a bit healthier day by day, meaning i can catch up on everything during november, and make november the best month ever on this patreon !! <333
on a good note, the expansion pack for the october kitty magic shop is coming soon !! the expansion pack will include super cute pink ghost wallpapers and hundredsssss of new icons !! i wanted to release it before the end of last week, but upsetting things came up in my personal life which pushed things back slightly, but yes, i am back to work now, and will work sooooo hard to get the expansion pack released tomorrow for you !! <333
the amazing artist @tiny.plant on Instagram just shared this to their insta story, and i read it at the perfect time, i hope it also soothes some of you lovely people, too <33
i'm sosososo sorry for being a little bit sad in this post, i just feel very, very defeated at the moment, there is a lot of other problems in the Oakfrogs world that i won't go into detail of, but i'm frantically trying to solve them right now so things can run smoothly for you wonderful, wonderful patrons (and more importantly, you wonderful friends) <3333
your support and love genuinely means more to me than anything in the entire world, and i can't stress that enough !! i really mean it !! you, you wonderful person, reading these very words in your head right now, you are one of the people i adore the most in this entire universe, truly !! thank you so much for sticking with me, even though this october has been a very rocky month with my health problems + delays + chaotic patreon schedule !! <333
as always, i love you all so, so, so, so, so much !! if you live in the northern hemisphere, it may be getting colder where you live, so remember to wrap up warm and drink lots of lovely warm things, and if you happen to live in the southern hemisphere, i hope the world is looking beautiful for you right now <333 stay soft, and stay strong - and we will talk again soon! sending you the warmest hugs and the biggest bundles of adoration, always !!
love from bunny <3



Take care and make sure to rest bunny and thank you so much for your hard work! πŸ’•


also what do the progress bars do, i cant figure it out @_@


oooooh that makes sense thank you! it just went over my head that it was how much time passed πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ’•πŸ’•