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✿ my darlings, hello!

hello there, my dearest darling friends, and thank you sosososososo much for visiting  me again!! i just wanted to create this quick little post because lololololol i need your help.....

✿ please give me ideas + requests!

my brain is so blank at the moment lolololol sosososo if there is anything you'd like to see, please do drop a comment below, or message me/ pop a message in our discord!! 
i will collect your lovely requests // ideas and post a poll on the 11th of september so you can all vote on which themes you'd like most!! <3 <3 <3

✿ i love you forever!!

if you have absolutely any ideas at all, please do comment them - i cannot wait to discuss all this exciting stuff with you !!! ah !!!!! aHHH !!!!! AHHHH !!!!!! IM SO HAPPY !!!!!!!
and as always, i love you all so, so much - stay soft, and stay strong - and we will talk again soon! sending you the warmest hugs and the biggest bundles of love always, bunny! ✿



Red panda in halloween theme <3


bunnies in different costumes!! like puppies, kitties, ghosts, mummys, etc