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Yay! Chapter 5 of The Catch is here!

Collaborating with Alyson continues to be just phenomenally fun. Her talent for creating deep and engaging characters really stands out in this chapter. I had so much fun making the art for Anthony / Antonia and friends. ❤️

Like with Chapter 4, Alyson has prepared a PDF, an epub, and a RAR file containing HTML + images so you can pick how you'd like to read it: 

  • PDF — Full chapter, text and images.
  • EPUB — Full chapter, text and images. You can upload this to your Kindle, read it on your phone, etc.
  • RAR — Full chapter, text and images. Unzip this to a folder on your computer and load the HTML file. The image quality is especially sharp when viewed in the browser! 😊

You can also view all the images above.

Remember, The Catch is also featured on Alyson's Patreon, where you can gain early access to new chapters of The Sisters of Dorley and her other amazing stories.

If you need to catch up, here's a link to the previous chapters!

We hope you enjoy this chapter. Your feedback is always welcome!



Jade Diaz

These renders are so good. Absolutely love the renders of: * Michael sitting at his laptop, obsessively replaying Ant's conversation * The reflections in the conference room table with the hapless (and dreadfully aesthetically challenged) Miss Steele * Bridget and Ant shitfaced on the couch together * Ant's expression when the hunky pizza guy shows up


OMG... 10 years and it kinda looks like Antonia is already ready... and can start working next day not th Monday after next... :} she's 🔥❣️

pe zr

Amazing story , with introspection and non anned to hurry. Bello!!