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You can find understanding in the most unexpected places...

EDIT: 5 whole pages were missing in the initial upload - argh! Sorry about that. 😟

Kris has chosen Victor as her "offering" to Bella. Why? Because he was the first man to proposition her. By giving him over, she'll be free of the threats of Bella and "the Cunt" - but will it cost her something else?

So interested to hear what you think! 💖



Elrod W

The most interesting thing is "camera guy". That film will get to Ben - now Ben and/or Kayla might have a conversation with Chris/Kris demanding an explanation. It would be poetic justice for the Cunt to be watching the guy following Kris, and give HIM the knockout. And 'submissive guy' doesn't get a remodel because Bella and the Cunt have 'camera guy' as a victim. Lots of possibilities, including potentially tying up a couple of loose threads, while adding potential complications to Ben's and Kayla's lives, and Kris and Kayla's relationship. Well done, Emory - as always.

Elrod W

Sorry about the delay on comments. I read it right away, but I have been having some severe knee pain, and the meds sort of interfere with coherent typing.


Pages #7, #8, #9 and #14...spectacular. I always praise your graphic excellence, however the dialogue and story pacing in this issue stole the show! Page #4...between that sincerely pitiful, pleading look in his eyes and the dialogue, I think that it may be the most powerful example of your complete mastery of this art-form to date. Sublime.


Thank you so much, Fin! Honestly your attention to detail and the individual panels means so much to me. I try to put as much effort into each image as possible - including the dialogue AND the art - so it really makes me feel nice when you call them out. 💕