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His arrogance brewed her transformation...

This story really grew in the telling. I had a lot of fun creating the images! I hope you enjoy Lucas / Lacey's story... 😊




I'm glad you accepted my suggestion for the sorority name. I love the story, Lacey looks lovely💖 and how she could find out her karma is a sorority sister😉. Excellent story to do follow-up and show Lacey's duties mentioned. Thanks Emory😘!


She will pay in full plus most likely compound interest, if Amber has her way, my muse. You did leave us twisting not telling us if Lacey is "modified" like Angela, Holly & Jill. Or unmodified like Nikki.

stacy C

Lacey by name.....lacey by nature hehe x


I'm so happy you liked it! The story for this one went longer than expected, but I was happy to get a little carried away. 😊 My guess is that Lacey is still "Lucas" under her gown - although perhaps not forever.


😂 Thanks, Stacy! The story took on a life of its own, and I think that’s when the best details come out.