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The ultimate disguise – from cellmates to (reluctant) soulmates. 💍




Bit of a Svengali vibe going on here, methinks, Emory. She’s still resentful, and Marques is just a little too smugly pleased with himself. As she says, if he tries anything untoward, she’ll react accordingly. Signs of a rocky relationship ahead. But she is very pretty. Those eyes! One thing though - here in the UK Leslie is a boy’s name; the girl’s version is Lesley. I can never get used to it being the other way round.


Hehe - that’s funny about “Leslie,” Robert! Goes to show you how much of this masculine / feminine stuff is just…made up. 😉 But yeah, I’d say she’s definitely still resentful. No doubt the “genital tucking” has something to do with that!