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Maybe who you've been doesn't matter half as much as who you're becoming.

Okay, Half Sisters, Episode 42 is ready for broadcasting! 😊

Writing this episode was a heck of a fun challenge. Both Sandy and Josh are in difficult, different places. Who knows how to feel when your friend-turned-lover turned out not to be who you thought they were - twice!

As always (but importantly) - I'm really looking forward to your thoughts! They energize me.

P.S. As you may be able to tell from the end of this episode - a poll is coming up for Sandy re: a change in her appearance. 😁



Sara Dune Tone

Love thisssss!! lol these two are going to smash that bed in before long. Love how you tweaked Josh physically and his overbearing manly sexuality about to take sandy by storm again… can’t wait for blonde Sandy to be back too!! Ahhh this is so good.


Thank you so much, Sara! Yeah, I love the Josh / Sandy dynamic. Their bodies are so different but, it seems, very compatible. And don't worry, we won't be gone from them for too long. I decided the 2nd part of the season will have a bit more back and forth between the "sisters." 😉

stacy C

Awww that pic of Josh carrying Sandy is soooo sweet x