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Sandy and Josh begin trying to figure out who they are - to each other and themselves.

Episode 41 of Half Sisters has arrived! Gosh, we're getting closer and closer to 50! Yay!

Sandy (or is it Scott again?) is finally free from Mrs. Ferris - permanently, if she so chooses. But freedom has its own struggles...

Can't wait to hear your thoughts!

EDIT: Sorry, the page order was messed up on the first upload. 🤦🏻‍♀️




ironically, Sandy is NOT a product of second dawn, but of Mrs Ferris. She was never on Xu's island. Unlike Nick, a macho athlete on his was to he-manly glory, Josh could very well have been on his way to life as a prison bitch. Her(?) physical and emotional relationship with Josh developed naturally while they were living together as friends. After their second kidnapping and more lifestyle/body changes ,(s)he was released to return to what seemed like a more "normal" lifestyle and relationship to her. It is different to Josh now that he is aware of second dawn. josh sees sandy as a victim of SD, a friend forced into something they didn't want. Sandys feeling for him are real, I think. I am not sure Josh knows what he thinks or feels at this point, but he now sees Sandy as a victim. Her attempt to return to a simpler time is probably poorly timed but very understandable. fine writing!

Sara Dune Tone

Yay Em this is by far my fave story ever. I am loving the gay angle, I really want these two to get it on like crazy, I hope Josh can accept his attraction to a sissy and that Scott can accept his role as one. This is delicious! Looking forward to the development of Nick’s arc as well. It’s very cool to have a story that explores the homoerotic element more explicitly, super hot and deep. Pun intended. Keep up the consistently brilliant work! Xx


Thank you very much, Sara!!! 💕 And LOL at the pun. Hehe. Sandy is definitely seemingly more accepting of her new feminine life than Nikki - but that doesn't mean making the transition will be an easy one for her. There's still lots of emotions bouncing around...


oh no, i can’t see him reacting to this calmly :(, hopefully sandy deals with it ok! also absolute top tier structuring emory!! you kill it with the paneling, storytelling, and art every time!!!


Aaaa, thank you very much, Nina! Poor Josh is getting whiplash from Sandy for sure. But I think she's eager to a return of the easy, eager acceptance that Josh had to "Sandy" - maybe because it'll help her accept herself, as well. 💖