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Every choice has a consequence, and the costliest ones are paid in flesh. 💋




I never understood, my muse, how the Second Dawn makes their choices...why Marla didn't just kill him instead. I mean from what Mr. Xu told Jill when they had a tête-à-tête conversation...closest thing between father and child having "The Talk"...if you ask me, Xu made it clear the Dawn isn't above mass-murder, which really brought tears to my eyes. Marla seems a little less murderous, but no less ruthless and merciless. P.S. You have not made it explicit that Marla is in Second Dawn, for if she was, she would've told Charlotte about Xu's protocol to frighten her even more and keep her quiet.


Well, Marla might not be a member of Second Dawn. There seem to be plenty of "syndicates" making women of men out there! And even if she were, there don't seem to be many rules. Each of them operates as their own. I suspect Marla was proving a point, demonstrating her power and control.


Marla is so evil... that she transitioned the balloon from Mickey Mouse to Minnie Mouse!!!