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You gotta do what you gotta do - even if it means swapping your poker face for a prettier one. 💁‍♀️



Elrod W

Nicely done - as usual. And of course, that makes me think of a variation on a theme of the 'hiding from the mob' trope - and Emory would be so able to pull it off - probably more than 2 pics. That would be "got to hide - word on the street is Don X is going to kill me for ..." (debt, interfering, whatever). So the changes begin so the person can hide. And it turns out that Don X simply put word on the street for the amusement of watching some poor schlub change himself (with suggestions from stooges) into a woman to try to avoid the Don. Maybe betting between 2 mob bosses or such.


"I hate high heels, they hurt" LOL...I would love to see a sequel... where she finally got used to these grirls night out... and loved them... same as high heels... ❣️❣️❣️👠👠👠

Autumn Rovers

A perfect blend of salt and sweet. I cant wait for a sequel, with maybe the new girl finds she likes boys more and betrays her BEST girl friend :)


Thank you, Autumn! 🥰 That's a fun twist - straight into salty territory for sure hehe.

stacy C

From the jack of clubs.....to the queen of clubs hehe x