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Hey all,

Nikki was being extra dramatic and refused to wrap up her scenes in a timely manner. You know how she gets—one moment she's cracking jokes and the next she's staring wistfully into the middle distance, lost in an emotional flashback of her time on the gridiron. Such a diva!

She agreed to pose for you to make amends. 😉

But in all seriousness, this is turning out to be a longer and more significant episode in Nikki's character arc and I want to make sure I do it justice. The comic will be posted tomorrow—I hope the extra wait will be worth it!

Thank you as always for your patience and support. The story continues soon!



Tiki D

Here's another alternate reality story of Jack and Jill: What if Davis got shot in the private part instead of Angelo (Holly's Backstory)? As Holden/Holly and Jason (not Janelle in this timeline) escape his/ her room and knocked out Angelo, Davis haults their escape, Jason tries to fight him, grabs by the torso. Holden/Holly told him to let him go and Davis unleashed him. He grabs her and tries to go for the kiss, but He/She used Angelo's Stunner and zaps his private part and Davis falls on the floor. After they escape, Xu and his guards found Davis on the floor and took him to Dr. Hatcher for treatment with a twist in mind (In the original timeline of Holly's Tale, it was Angelo who was shot by Holden/Holly). Davis woke up, but feels lighter than usual in his room. He finds a DVD and plays it on the TV. On the TV, Xu tells him that he has been very useful in his plans for many years, but he has messing things a lot lately involving Holden/Holly incident. Also, He has found Davis' secret video files about his Second Dawn's patiences on his computer and shows them to his wife. She was not happy on how he was gropping other women's breasts and forcingly making out with them. She divorced him and wants Xu's to make Davis pays permanently. During Davis' recovery, Xu told Dr. Hatcher to give him ample amount of Dr. Mason's Super Estrogen Hormones formula on his whole body. Davis learns that he lost everything from being Xu's right hand man to a single man. Davis also learns that Angelo took over his position. He wants to get revenge on Xu, but Dr. Hatcher hits him and falls back on the bed. Xu knows how much Davis" loves the ladies", but decides why not be one instead to know what it feels like. He decided to sold Dava (Davis' female form) to a producer (Xu's friends) for "The bachelor" (Jack and Jill universe version) to be exploited by men to be their multiple wives. Davis cries and knows his life is over.


It’s sad that the only time we see Nikki smile is in the artificial setup of a pinup. Just saying, but the poor girl really deserves some joy in her life.

stacy C

Wow I can't remember her being so errrr.......chesty? hehe x