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I'm sorry this is a little late! This part ended up being more challenging than I expected. 

Again, I don't want to say too much since the plots and characters all beginning to align. We're barreling towards the end of Phase 8! 🤯

I can't wait for your thoughts and comments. They always make me so happy to read. 😊



Alyson Greaves

Yes, Angela! Know your worth! Tell that fucker who you are ❤️ Unfair that in the same page I have to choose between squealing over Holly’s incredible new hair or over the new Gina lore. Oh my God. Holly’s Mistress of Ceremonies. I can practically hear Ryan grinding his teeth. Shit. Xu’s suspects Morosini. I mean, obviously he would, but yikes. And aaaaa Angela! What were you about to sayyyyyy? Cheering for the girl who jumped overboard and telling myself very firmly that she didn’t drown. WOW, this is a dark episode! JOSIE! And Dr Mason! Love the girls ganging up on him. Welcome to your redemption arc, dude :3 I want to see more of armed Janella. Maybe with some knives. Or a bazooka. And wearing a huge suit of armour. I just want to know she’s protected. Lmao at Connor being a second thought even to his wife.


My goodness, Emory, they all seem to ploughing ahead unaware of Xu's plan to kill every one of the "girls" rather than allow himself and his rich monsters to be caught. I hope this won't be a bloodbath, my dearest muse. I'm torn between crying for joy seeing the Second Dawn's judgement one day closer and suspense bordering on despair over knowing what Xu said to Jill. I hope Jill gets the message out or that Holly, Janelle or Morosini has some kind of plan. Reading page 9, there has been enough blood spilled already, really brought a tear to my eyes. I'm happy to see Angela and Holly as friends now and I'm still hoping for happy ending for the "girls" of the Second Dawn. ALL of them. As for Dr. Mason, as my fictional character Charity would like to say to both Mike and Dr. Mason: "Numbers 32:23: Be sure your sin will find you out. It appears you sin has found you out Dr. Mason” while Chastity would say: "God has heard mine and Charity's prayers even in wretched and accursed place. Judgement has finally come for you, Dr. Mason, as the Good Book says it would. Ecclesiastes 21:5." https://www.patreon.com/posts/78908716

Tiki D

Im wondering if Mason's redemption would be getting his "Just Desserts" by the girls by turning him into a woman as for payback and offered for Xu's contest.

Tiki D

I wonder Emily's disguise is like?

Tiki D

I bet Emily would not just find out about Jack's mental and physical changes, but Jill's "other activities" from making out with Holly and later Grant (Mainland) to becoming Xu's Handler of two girls.

Tiki D

By the time, Emily arrives to the island, Conner would be long gone to due the foreshadowing that was shown from the last two chapters between him and Davis.

Tiki D

Mason is about to" walk a mile" in his formal victims shoes, permintly.


Mason maybe is a spineless bug... but that bug has extremely precious knowledge... only he knows how to make Jill out of Jack physically... so his knowledge is too precious to bury him so quickly... ❣️❣️❣️


When Emily meet Jill that will be interesting LOL... Jack belongs to past... Emily has a sister now... much, much smarter and confident regarding her future... ❣️❣️❣️

Zoe Storm

Another incredible episode. Excellent work, Emory.


Em, your art with the characters is amazing. It looks like Holly hasn't just grown out her hair... I don't know if it's a wonderbra or the dress or if she's had more than just her hair done....😍 Looks like the chips are starting to move, we'll see how it all turns out, but if your art is a hoot, the story I don't know if it's equal or better! I want to meet Gina! PS: as they say where I come from, Mason, "every pig gets its own Saint Martin", I think you're going to get a taste of your own medicine - never better said....

Jack Dawson

Is this the same bodyguard who Angela suck off in one of her follow up stories?

Jack Dawson

Awww... I thought we would see them pair off... pls tell me she is teasing him?


Seems like they hooked up a bunch of times but Angela is upset that he only wants to date her now after her surgery. So he needs to buy her a bunch of flowers at least! 😉

Tiki D

Here's another alternate reality story of Jack and Jill: What if Jack and Jill took the Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde approach? In this timeline, Jack, instead of being a beach bum, is Dr. Mason's assistant and best friend at a university. Jack is still the cool and good looking guy that check out the ladies as well as dating Madison. In Dr. Mason's lab, he has developed a device called Testo-Estro Eve that can help men control and reduce testosterone (mentally and physically) by nervo-electric estrogen to understand women. Mason is about to be offered a job opportunity from Mr. Xu by offering this technology, but needs Jack to test it. During a stormy night, he straps him to the Testo-Estro Eve's mind interface. Mason turns it on and it's working. Jack's testosterone levels are lowering towards the middle level, but the storm zaps the lab and wipes the power. Before the power outage, Jack's testosterone has been reduced to zero and knocked out. After the power was restored, Mason went to check on Jack, but he recovers and fine. As Jack left the lab, he starts to feel a little glitchy and mentally tired. Few days later, Madison noticed that Jack is acting strange by him being around her all time, being emotional, being properly dressed, cleaned and organized. Another strange thing she noticed, his hair and nails grew during their date. Jack noticed and tells Madison that he's leaving. Once in the car, he fully changed into a woman named Jill (In this timeline, she is the first form of Ms. Hyde that is a beautiful woman that takes advantage of her beauty to get what she wants). Jack doesn't just transform back and forth into Jill, both Holly and Janelle (second and third forms of Ms. Hyde) as well. Jack is losing more of himself due antics of Jill's sexiness, Holly's wild card, and Janelle's individuality taking over. Mason, who hasn't seen Jack in days, noticed his transformation into Jill in his room. Mason was overwhelmed by Jill's beauty and had sex with her. Once Jack turned back to himself, Mason tries the Testo-Estro Eve device, but made Jack's transformation worse. Instead of transformations, Jack has become full female with the combine aspects of Jill, Holly, and Janelle. Jack, now Jacillie, demanding Mason to change him/her back now, but Jacillie, a new person, has own identity and desides to seduce Mason. Madison wanted to ask Mason on the whereabouts of Jack, but finds Mason occupied with a woman that looks similar to her boyfriend. Madison demands Mason on Jacks disappearance, but gets into a fight with Jacillie, who came to Mason's defense. All three of them were knocked out and taken by Xu's agents to his island to make use for Mason's device for his own plans.

Ella Cherry

Oh... The coming out party is getting more promising at every chapter! Can't wait!


So... it seems Emily may be the only cis female at the dinner. I would be very careful if I were her!!!

Tiki D

Emory, here another alternate reality stories of Jack and Jill: What if Jack and Mason switch positions (Jack working for Xu and Dr. Mason being the victim)? Jack (Not Jill in this timeline) got hired by Xu as a handler due an open job opportunity on Xu's Island. He doesn't want to work on the island, but check out the ladies. Months earlier, Dr. Mason noticed that his lab is empty and message from Xu played on TV. He wanted his Super Hormones project, which was a success on Jason, shared his project with other upper doctors in Xu's department. Xu rewards Mason with a "taste of his own medicine" by Davis knocking Mason and inject him his Super Hormones serum. Then takes him to a farmilar cell (Jack's cell from the original timeline). This timeline would similar to the early chapters of 1-4, like Jack checking out Mason/Pre-Melissa beauty and body. He also gets to know her and trying her scientific mind. Davis would try touch Melissa's body, but Jack stand for her. Davis would push him out of the way, but Jack would grab and tumble down with Melissa into the lake. On lake surface, Jack would accidentally touch Melissa's breast, who would be turned on, but uncomfortable at the same time. Their feelings would reach ahead during the shower scene. They would both check out their bodies from a distance. Instead of being awkward about it (like Jack/Pre-Jill was in the original timeline), Mason/Pre-Melissa felt Jack's muscles and wants to make out with, but was interrupted by Davis from the speaker for Jack to come the office. Mason/Pre-Melissa gave Jack a kiss on the mouth and would wait for him.


oh gosh everything is coming to a head!! lovely work emory!!! the real question is, is this the last phase of Jack and Jill??? Gosh I can’t wait for more


No, she has said that this one (8) and two more remain.


The new Holly looks so stunning I barely recognized her!


Aww, thank you, Wocjiech! She definitely had a glow up. But for what purpose do you think? 😉


She will be Mistress of Ceremony on Coming Out dinner, she should present herself accordingly, I wouldn't be surprised if you dressed her in some BDSM mistress outfit 🤔?


we need more holly dick


Thank you, ckarya! 💖You know I always try to give my all when it comes to the art and the story. I'm finally getting to a point where I like how most everything looks. Of course, there's always still room for improvement. Holly has definitely gone all out with her look! She has been dressing pretty conservatively for most of the series so that might be why it seems that she has had other "enhancements." Gina is like the Xuniverse's version of "Boba Fett" 😂 As for Dr. Mason, you've put it perfectly – he's about to experience firsthand the consequences of his actions. It's definitely going to be an eye-opening journey for him... or her! 😉


Thank you, Nina!!!! Yeah, the story is indeed moving towards a climax -- it's a little hard to believe! But Jack & Jill isn't quite over yet. There's still a lot more story to tell, and more twists and turns await. I've always planned for there to be 10 phases in total. 😊


Hey Tiki! What an intriguing spin on the Jack and Jill universe! I'm really digging the role reversal you've come up with – it adds a fun twist to the story. It'd be fun to see how Jack and Melissa's relationship could evolve in this alternate scenario. 😊

stacy C

Wow Holly looks HOT! Looks like Mason might be reaping what he sowed hehe x


Yep! If Xu has his way, Mason will soon find out just how powerful his "super hormones" relaly are!