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Jill and Ryan - friends or foes?

Phew! A double issue! I don't want to say too much about the episode this time, but I truly can't wait to hear your thoughts. 😊



Tiki D

This chapter can be sum as duel identities, lost, self discovery, inner forgiveness, and rebirth.

Tiki D

Im glad Ryan is sort of coming around Jill in terms of similar insights, perspectives and experiences.

Tiki D

I have to say Jill is the better half of Jack. In a way, Jack gain the knowledge and new found courage and confidence through his rebirth as the beautiful Jill, who more than looks that meets the eye.

Jack Dawson

Oooo we get to see Connie... and hopefully not a slow burner.

Alyson Greaves

I have way more thoughts about this but they’ll have to wait until I’m out of editing hell 😭


Oh Emory this is great! Love all the dialogue and bonding these sisters are having. Ryan (Rhianna) can still be a great teacher some day and I’m sure will be a favorite of most of her male students. 😂

Tiki D

Here's another alternative reality of Jack and Jill: What if Conner was captured instead of Jack? Conner is a offered a "vacation" to the mainland by his General of the US Army for his "hard work". The General and Xu from behind the scenes made a deal involving Super Hormones project and by selling Conner to Xu to be tested. They disguised this plan as "Conner 's Vacation". They know how Connor is smooth with the ladies and sent Davis to his "Wing man" along with Josie (who takes Holly's role and a complete transformed Joey) to lure him to Xu's Island. On the island, Holden (who didn't turn into Holly and worked as Xu's Handlers due budding relationship between Xu and his father) would be Connie's handler and overtime would develop feelings for her. Josie would develop a sisterly bond with Connie and teased her about her feelings for Holden. Overtime, Conner would tried to escape numinous time, but fail and would come to have feelings for Holden and Josie. Emily, Jack (who is not Jill yet in this timeline. He is his male self), and Dr. Mason (who was fired by Xu due getting his research data from him) would have teamup with Janelle (still a transform Jason from Dr. Mason's experiments) to save Conner before he's too far gone. Jack would probably act like Conner due not believing Janelle's story of being Jason at first. Jack would tried to flirt with Janelle, but would not fall for his "chams". He would be capture by Connie at some point during her Girls Night Out.

Tiki D

Also, Connie would be under Mr. Davis department with Holden within the "What if" timeline.


what an incredible chapter emory!!!! i have some weird relation to ryan too lol. the red hair, the history degree, and oddly a lot of my coming out was that mental mirror fight but in reverse. i feel like mirrors are a true damning tool of dysphoria. they reflect back at us what we don’t want to see and really put the human mind to the test. i like the choice to use mirrors as a focal point for this chapter! i always forget how jill used to look tbh so that was interesting to see the timeline transition! i knew it!!! this is where we get the first test of second dawn giving someone a womb, very crazy. obviously i think it’s gonna work. i’m just sad for jill’s sister. losing two people like this. as always, wonderful work emory!!!!


DAMN, my darling muse, your never miss a beat with those twists. Just as I was anticipating something happy happening with Ryan and Jill, there goes the loathsome Mr. Davis. And the equally loathsome Dr. Hatcher. Just looking at him makes my skin crawl. It my fondest wish Connor teaches his "buyer" a very painful lesson, just like in "Unravelling".


Pages 23&24 are so beautiful... got me a lot of cheerful tears ❣️❣️❣️Ryan will you discover your new name by yourself or you would let to pick it by your lovely sister? And Connor... oh dude... I am missing a "PauseChamp" emoji here from Twitch chat... :D you'll need to adapt as ASAP as possible... ;)


Ryan could be a friend, or more? :) ...But considering how she exploded with Brandon, Jill needs to be very careful... Bad news for - Mason?


Jill is ready for her vagina . Loved 6 picture transformation Jack to Jill beautiful face and body start to now . Desire to see Jill having passionate sweating breathing moaning erotic orgasmic sexual intercourse . This issue had so much talking to enjoy . Jill has become a coach teacher mind reader . Inside Jill has Jack experience . Jill now knows it is a new life . Who wouldn't love transformatioin body and face like Jill . Average guy Jack body face would trade in a heart beat . Other characters lust sexual for Jill both men women and what woman could not envy .


Hi Emory. Another great chapter, beautiful pictures and well written dialogue. You obviously are well read, understand and know a lot about human psychology. Jill and Ryan’s adjustments and adaptation to their new status appears to be going very smoothly, maybe too smoothly!? Is this the quiet before the storm?

Ella Cherry

Intense, deep, engaging! Can't wait for more!


Ohhhh Connor srs Will be exquisite , and Jill Will make Ryan Blossom thas for sure great chapter em

Tiki D

Here another alternative reality story of Jack and Jill: What if Grant and Anton were invited to Xu's Island as "Guests"? From the Mainland, Grant and Anton got an invite to Xu's Island due to them enjoying their time with Jill and Madison. Anton thinks this is opportunity to checkout the ladies, but Grant is still sad of never seeing Jill again and stills goes with him anyway. On the island, they were knocked out by sleeping gas in their "VIP Rooms". They were altered in one of Xu's Labs with Super Hormones solution. Grant's body was transformed into a tall, pre- Amazonian with long hair and breasts but, still has his head and voice (Pre- development) and Anton's body (Pre- development)has been reduce from tall and muscular to sexy, petite, and beautiful. They tried to escape and get help, but no aveal. Xu and Davis sent the two formal men to one of his Specialized doctors to finish their transformation and sold one of Xu's Night Clubs as bartenders. Once Grant and Anton learn of this, they plan to knock out Davis and take the boat, but both were giving extreme amounts of Estrogen and Viagra to make docile, dilarious, and calm. They were reeducation into thinking they are women all the time by Xu's doctors. Now, they serve drinks as Granilla and Antonina at Xu's Night Club.


Emory I just wanted to congratulate you for the narrative and visual level of this great story. The dialogue between Jill and Ryan is very good, quite enlightening within your limits of information. Jill has realized that she will have a very difficult if not impossible time escaping Mr. Xu's clutches and as with her physical change she is adapting and finding ways to make the best of an unwanted situation. I think it's very similar to what Holly did, with the difference, I think, being that Holly did it for more selfish and materialistic reasons, not least because she didn't have a Holly to guide and support her along the way...and Holden being a spoiled, bratty rich kid. That, I think, is the difference with Jill, who had in Holly that "stick" to cling to in her arduous journey, which made it easier for her not to lose the empathy and good heart of the otherwise lazy and unmotivated Jack. I can't wait to see the reunion of the two of them and the evolution of Ryan, of whom I'm becoming more and more a fan! PS: wow! Jill's eyes in the third image on page 15.

Tiki D

What if Mason stood by Jack/Pre-Jill side instead of being separated (Chapters 3-8)? After Jack/Pre-Jill meets Mr. Xu and fought most of his guards, Mason (who wasn't knocked out in this timeline) manage to get Jack/Pre-Jill and escape on one of Xu's boats. Once on the mainland, they managed to find clothes and a hotel near the beach to hide out. While Mason is trying to call one of his friends who used to work for Xu, Jack/Pre-Jill tries to enjoy the beach, but his/her body is changing rapidly as looking through the water. Then couple of random guys approach him/her and tries to hit on her and flexing their muscles, but Jack/Pre-Jill scares him with his male voice. Mason ran to her side, but trips and lands in his/her body. His hands were touching his/her breast and Jack/Pre-Jill moaning and aweing. Mason removed his hands from the body. Jack/Pre-Jill felt strange and different around Mason. They drove to one of Xu's Doctors (In this timeline, Joey/Josie never came) Jack/Pre-Jill started to weak and faint, while Mason tries to wake him/her. A couple of days later, Jack, now fully Jill, who's transformation is completed (complexion, hair, and body), except for her voice. He/She would scream in the mirror due not only how scary gorgeous they are, but leaking milk, too. (Instead of Holly helping her with adjusting being a girl, it's been Mason and the other doctor help her). They used a voice machine to adjust Jill's voice box to a natural female voice (Holly, original timeline, used alcoholic drink and sexual advances to ease Jill's voice process). Jill is upset leaving her male lfe behind due her new developments, but Mason reinsures her (despite being partially responsible for her condition) by hugging and looking at each other , then kiss. Then they went out to a restaurant on the mainland (same sushi restaurant from the original timeline) Davis noticed both Mason and Jill and contacts Xu that he had found the traitor and prized beauty. Davis tries to take Jill back by force, but Mason punched him and knocked him out. As they are trying to escape from the restaurant, they run into Madison (who's doesn't know Xu in this timeline) helps them escape with her (Helps them due recognizing her former boyfriend as a woman. Also, she takes over Emily/Holly's role due both being a former girlfriend of Jill and mentoring womanhood to her). After escaping together, She and Jill talked about old times, but notice that Jill has feelings for Mason, but she denies this. Madison helps adjust her to her feminine mystique with shopping, makeovers, and sexual contact. Madison would slip Viagra pills into Mason and Jill's wine. They drank the wire and started making out passionly as man and woman. Mason, Jill, and Madison would team up to find Janelle to get in contact with Emily and Connor (meeting Mason, Jill, and Janelle for the first time and no Connie in this timeline) to take down Xu.

Tiki D

Emory, you should do an alternate reality series of Jack and Jill of different perspectives after the original.


Haha, you know me, Alex! I just can't help throwing in those twists! Ugh, I know, Davis and Dr. Hatcher are definitely the kind of characters you'd love to hate. They've got that "make-your-skin-crawl" vibe on lockdown! As for Connor, who knows what might happen? Maybe (s)he'll channel the inevitable anger and give his buyer an unforgettable "lesson" they won't soon recover from!


Awwww, Maggie, I'm so glad you enjoyed pages 23 and 24! Your reaction means so much to me! 🥰 As for Ryan's new name, hmm, that's an interesting question! It could be a really special moment for Ryan to choose their own name, but maybe having Jill help with the decision would bring them even closer. Then again, he may keep "Ryan" since he seems pretty attached to it! Oh, poor Connor. Dude's definitely missing some crucial Twitch emojis to express his feelings right now! He'll for sure need to adapt in record time with everything going on. But hey, who knows, maybe Connor will surprise us and embrace the change in his own way. 😉 (Probably not lol)


Haha, you've got a point, punarotta! Ryan and Jill do seem to be growing closer, and who knows, maybe something more could blossom between them? It certainly seemed to help Adele. 😉 Though, yeah, given Ryan's history, Jill might want to tread carefully to avoid any explosive situations. Hm. Yep, Mason could indeed be in for a rough ride if Second Dawn decides to "make an example" out of him. I guess we'll just have to wait and see. 😊


Thank you, Sky! You're definitely not wrong there, Jill has come a long way. I'm so glad you loved the 6-pic transformation, it's always fascinating to see how characters evolve over time, isn't it? And yes, Jill seems to have found a balance between her old and new selves, becoming a fierce and empathetic force to be reckoned with.


Hey Gemma! Thank you so much for your kind words! 😊 Yeah, I really, really love diving deep into psychology and exploring how characters adapt to the situations they're thrown into (Jill and Ryan have definitely had a lot on their plates, haven't they?). And you might just be onto something there - things might be going a bit *too* smoothly, huh? Buckle up... 😉


Hey Ella! Thanks so much for the love and support! 🥰 I'm thrilled you're enjoying the story - it's been a rollercoaster ride writing it, too! And there's much more ion the way! 🎢


Ckarya, thank you so much for your kind words and fantastic analysis of the story! It means the world to me when you take the time to really dive into the characters and their motivations. You're absolutely right about Jill finding her way through this nightmare and her relationship with Holly - but how they're now coming at their "employment" with Second Dawn in a completely different way. It's hard to believe we met Ryan almost a year ago! He has really grown on me all throughout Phase 8. I'm glad he has for you, too. 😊 And yes! Jill's eyes are so pretty in that image. I wonder - in that timeline, where would you say that Jack ends and Jill begins? 😉


The idea of Mason and Jack/Pre-Jill escaping together and having to navigate their relationship as the transformation progresses is so interesting. It's fun to see how different characters like Madison and the doctor would step in to fill the roles of Holly and Joey from the original timeline. Plus, making Jill come to terms with their feelings for Mason and dealing with Madison's mentoring definitely adds a new layer of complexity to their journey. Neat!

stacy C

Lovely art as ever Em but the writing in this one was great x


The night of Nikki's escape and Nikki's subsequent armed confrontation with Mr. Davis and the guards. Jack's offering of his "balls" for Nikki's life. That I believe was Jack's point of no return on Jill. That's where Jill's (very poetic) growth and "rebirth" began. There she abandoned the lazy, selfish person (Jack) and embraced the new, strong, assertive, empathetic person (Jill). It is paradoxical that the last and best act in Jack's life was the one that precipitated his "death" as a leading actor, giving the reins as a leading actress to Jill and Jack becoming a supporting actor, because although increasingly blurred, Jack will never abandon Jill since Jack never hated himself, he was never dysphoric.