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The most dangerous lies are the ones we tell ourselves.

Part 2 coming next week. 😊




Sinister... ...and you spoil us by promising that this continues - no wonder there is no comments (yet?), everyone is waiting for next pages :P

Ella Cherry

Can't wait for part 2! So involving!


Hmmm, that is something new... I don't mind Amy getting her memory back, but I won't be original in saying that I would prefer Amy not to return to her old life despite her memory returning. The question is whether Amir is innocent and loves Amy just like that or is he involved... if so she should obviously walk away from him... ❣️❣️❣️


The accursed Second Dawn. My darling muse, is there any depth to which the Second dawn will not sink. I'm kidding of course there isn't.


Thank you, Maggie! Looking as she does now - and having been so altered as to be hoping to make a baby with her husband - I doubt returning to her old life would even be possible! 😉