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Rebel with a cause. 




Lady Isabella, what a beautiful name. I'm sure she is beautiful on the outside and pure poison the inside. A perfect candidate for the Platinum Star members of the Second Dawn, perhaps you will not mind, my darling muse if I call her "Mr. Xu with tits". Or maybe "Mr. Davis with tits". I can already picture my fictional character, Summer Chastity Crowe whispering to Lady Isabella...or Mr. Xu himself those words: "Thus doth He force the swords of wicked men, To turn their own points on their masters' bosoms." https://www.patreon.com/posts/78908716 Speaking of Inspiration, may I ask how long it does take you to make such a caption form scratch, if you don't mind?


Thomas has a plan - curious to see how hard (& sweaty) he needs to work Vincent to get him on board :D


"[...]And this is just the beginning." OKAY how many chapters are planned? ❣️❣️❣️


So glad you enjoyed this one, Bosmer! Good quote, too. Wow, Mr. Davis with tits is a terrible image, LOL! I’d say usually takes me about 3 to 4 hours to write and create / edit the images. Of course, that depends on a lot of factors. 😊


May I also ask how long it takes to make say the Valentine's Day Pinups? I hope you'll forgive me if I think MORE than four hours, and that's just for one. On DeviantArt, I asked an artist how long it took them to make a close-up of a genie/dancing girl like Josie and they told me 12-14 hours.

stacy C

Lovely, can't wait for more :-) x