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Ron and Craig have a heart-to-heart with their quarterback...

Nikki's "dinner from hell" continues, but she and Zach seem to be making some inroads. Or at least they were! Did he really text his teammates to come gawk at the former all-star quarterback? 

Nikki's personality is so fun to write. 😊 I can't wait to hear your thoughts!



Zoe Storm

Emory im screaming

Zoe Storm

Seriously I love these two, I'm so fucking glad they're getting along. They honestly need each other as friends.


Sooo this was chapter 30 right? Why am I imagining already a chapter number 300 where after very long and close friendship Nikki and Zach both are coming to realization that they're bi and share long passionate kiss? ❣️❣️❣️


Those two would make a nice couple. I think we are cheering for them to end up together. I agree with Zoe's comments, they need each other. The pinup image of Nikki is breathtaking, she looks absolutly gorgeous!


Friends?... Perhaps "Friends With Benefits" after some pizza!!!

Autumn Rovers

WOW thats taking a twist i didnt see! :) VERY exciting! :)


Great story. Trusting Zach is a good direction for her. Now, if she would trust her mother and not her father, she would be on the right road for a new life. She needed to hear from the jerks, now all she needs is the true from her father.


Emory, my darling muse, it seems that you never fail to reach new heights of brilliance. I absolutely love this and can't wait to see Zach and Nikki blossom together. Are there any plans on having them join forces with "others" to help bring down the monstrous Second Dawn?


Fantastic Emory,


you have left open so many intriguing possibilities in what could occur between Niki and Zach. I am also intrigued to find out if Nikki is in for a shocking surprises when the apparatus covering his genitalia is finally opened

Ella Cherry

I definitely like to watch the evolution of this friendship!


a truly amazing twist. can't wait!


Hi again Emory,


Hanging out for continuance if this story. I hope Nikki encounters a reality check around his loss strength when when , for examples he has to rely on Zach opening a jar with ease that he can’t budge. In relation to this,Nikki’s surprise around feeling triggered by Zach’s display of his manly strength


Perhaps Nikki should go in the pool before removing the cage. That way Nikki can blame the "shrinkage" on the cold water!!!

Sara Dune Tone

This is so fun Em! I love that you introduced gay elements with Nick and Scott, I love the idea of them embarking on their male attractions in parallel and sharing that experience alongside their feminisation. It’s just super hot. I desperately hope Nick starts getting boy crazy and realises he was such an asshole because he had deep rooted repressed homosexuality and embraces the power of being a sexy sissy with tits. Imagine him and Scott getting gang banged by the football team heheheh.


Gemma, your excitement is contagious. I'm so happy you're enjoying the open-ended possibilities between Nikki and Zach. Their future together is just brimming with potential, and I can't wait to explore more of it. As for the 'apparatus' (wink wink) mystery - stay tuned!


Oh, Gemma, you've got some great ideas cooking there! Nikki experiencing a reality check around her loss of strength would definitely be an eye-opening moment, and I can totally see it happening with something as simple as a stubborn jar. Incredible! As for feeling triggered by Zach's manly strength, that could add another layer of complexity to their relationship. Nikki will have to navigate her changing feelings and reactions as her new self, which is honestly such an exciting and, at times, challenging journey. You've got me feeling all inspired! 😊


Hey, Sara! Thanks for enjoying the fun and loving the story! What you're imagining could happen! It's all about exploring and embracing who they really are, and who knows where that might lead? 😉 As for Nick/Nikki potentially realizing his own repressed feelings and embracing his new self, that would be a fascinating twist. Let's see how these characters' journeys continue to unfold, and how their newfound bonds develop. 💕


Bosmer, thank you for your kind words! It makes my heart swell to know you're enjoying Zach and Nikki's story. 💖 As for them joining forces with 'others' to take on Second Dawn, well, that's an interesting idea indeed! I won't give too much away, but I will say that life is full of unexpected twists, and anything is possible. Let's see how our lovely duo tackles the challenges ahead and if they might find some allies along the way. 😉


New nickname for Zach from Nikki??? -Hey why my persnal jar opener is late again? -Haha very funny Nikki (blowing a kiss)


Emory thank you for your feedback on my comments. Further in the vein of Nikki having to confront aspects of his new reality and status I am wondering if Sandy will also encounter his own adjustments to his new status and role. How, even in a lesbian relay with Jessica, Sandy soon discovered even in these types of relationships he is theweaker, more submissive ‘beta’ to Jessica’s ‘


alpha in the relationship whether he wants to be or not.

Thomas Tolliver

Cheerleader outfit pinup when?


Quite likely, Gemma! We'll be switching back to Sandy after Nikki's current 'situation' is over -- she has a lot to deal with, too!


Love love love the growth from Nikki here and seeing Zach slowly try to break down those insane macho walls she’s got so built up. Incredible story telling Emory and the art is still gorgeous!!! I do hope she eventually ditches her dad or he figures out he’s an asshole. Hey maybe a mom arc??? I’m rooting for it


Thanks, Nina! I'm so glad you're enjoying the character growth and the dynamic between Nikki and Zach. I'm definitely exploring Nikki becoming more comfortable with her new-found femininity. And yes, her father is definitely an obstacle in her path towards self-discovery. 😡 This whole arc is about her figuring that out.. As for mom... don't worry, she's not gone forever!