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The adventure continues!

I was thrilled to see so many of you enjoying the continuing saga of David and Alice. Their quest is to reach Epsilon Eridani before David is trapped in his drone's pleasure body forever.

Will they make it? Will David succumb to the pleasure and remain in his drone form? 

Read on. 🚀 😊



Autumn Rovers

OHHH something new to read tonight :) :) you SPOIL us! :)

Alyson Greaves

Oh no! The ex-girlfriend! 😈 Also I love the super-clean visual style here. VERY sci-fi.


OK, OK another cliffhanger... that's nice... can't wait for a meeting with ex-lover and rival then... :) ❣️❣️❣️

Ella Cherry

This is getting better and better!


Wow, it's getting more and more interesting....


It is. Emory is embracing the dark side....Bwahahah!! Ella, I wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed the last Debby Dolly, btw. Great work!

Ella Cherry

Thanks! findesiecle! ❤️ And yes, I love when Emory goes to the dark side! 😈


"I'll just pretend she isn't me." That's what they all say. At first. Hehe