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Happy Birthday Angela! 😊

As a Pisces 🐟, Angela's intelligence, creativity, and intuitive nature have certainly helped her in her role as Mr. Xu's executive assitant.

Her compassionate personality means she'll always be there for those she loves (like her ex-wife Alessia!), and her playful spirit can liven up any room!

Whereas Angelo was mean and aggressive, Angela has embraced her newfound softer side and is determined to make the most of this new beginning in her life. 💖




OMG Emory... tell me those are markings after tight Calvin Klein panties...


Italian Princess...absolutely precious and priceless


I would have no doubt if Angela is one of Xu's favorite creations. Her transformation is probably the most thorough and drastic one we've seen in the series in terms of demeanor and personality. She always looks great though. I still can't believe how realistic your renders look now.


i love perfection in tg transformationen


Awww. Well-said, Bosmer! I imagine Mr. Xu would agree... at least on the "priceless" part. 😊


Thank you, Cry! Angela is indeed one of my absolute favorites and I'm sure Mr. Xu's, as well. Honestly, I'm thrilled with transformation, too. I wanted her journey to be as dramatic and captivating as possible. As for the renders, it's been a marvelous challenge to keep pushing the boundaries of realism. I love how they've been looking lately. 😁

Bob Marley

Angela is my absolute favorite! I'm hoping we get another snapshot of her new life now that her transformation is complete!

Jack Dawson


Sam May

I dont remember this character...?


https://www.patreon.com/emoryahlberg?filters[search_query]=angelo https://www.patreon.com/emoryahlberg?filters[search_query]=angela Here you go, Sam! 😊 That should bring up most of what she appears in. Angelo / Angela first appeared in Holly's flashback. She shot him in the groin after he shot Jason while they were escaping.


If you scroll down, they SHOULD show every instance of Angelo / Angela. But this is her main stuff... 😊 Angelo's Fall: https://www.patreon.com/posts/angelos-fall-25283017 Alessia's Rise: https://www.patreon.com/posts/alessias-rise-25379199 Angela's Snapshot #1: https://www.patreon.com/posts/angelas-snapshot-28344168 Angela's Snapshot #2: https://www.patreon.com/posts/angelas-snapshot-64504128 Enjoy! 😊

stacy C

Wow, she's definitely......blossomed LoL x


I always thought Mr. Xu and especially now Davis and Kaschak to be nothing more than...in Rod Serling's immortal words in the episode "Death's Head Revisited"..."a strutting animal whose function in life was to give pain" and yet in his interaction with Mr. Kaschak and now with Jill, he appears to have actual humanity in him. He almost seem to cry when Kaschak asked about the girl's picture on his table. You never fail to uplift and inspire me, my dearest muse.

Tony Wolcott

Angela and Jill are my favorites! Are there any girls on the island that are actually happy about transitioning?