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Happy Valentines Day! The big winners of the poll were Nikki, Jill, and Josie! 

What do you think of how they looked on this romantic day? 😊




Wow! Nikki 😍😍 Is it just me, or do I see Jill looking more defined?

Autumn Rovers

Ok soooo WOW but Nikki looks AMAZING and Jill well... shes always beautiful and Josie is fantastic... but... Nikki blew my mind!


What beauties they are! Nikki is such a dream girl. Jill is killing it on a nude beach. And goodness that dress Josie is in is just gorgeous!


Josie is turning into a exquisite trophy wife always with those sexy dresses i love her . And Jill our girl is 100% un her role just look at her it screams feminity

Elrod W

thumbs up for the pic of Nikki. What a babe!


I need to find Jill...


Nikki is like my fav of your characters! She’s just got so much moxxy!!


would love to see the back views

Emily Morgan

I don't think we have seen the real Nikki yet. I think that Nikki has suppressed her true self and her true desires long before she was kidnapped. I think this male/macho bravado/anger is directed at herself. I am going on record to say I think that Nikki has always been confused about her gender but because of her Dad and because she grew up in Texas, She buried it under 10 feet of toxic masculinity to the point her egg is made out of titanium. I think she is a self loathing trans. and when her egg breaks, the hoover dam won't hold back her tears

Jack Dawson

Would have been nice to have some diversity and a woman of color... sigh, another time Angela has lost.

stacy C

Lovely...all 3 :-) Beach babe Jill remembering her past life hehe x


Aw, thank you, Autumn. Nikki would hate you for saying so, but what does she know? 😉


Thank you, Esacia! I really wanted Josie to have a killer look seeing as how she's in Venice and all. 😁


Heck yes, Digi! Josie has really come into her own now that she’s not in a horrible environment anymore. And Jill… well, she’s just perfection.


Big agree, Elrod! For her, I was going for a “girl next door” vibe. Do you think I got it right?


Yes! “Moxxy” is the perfect word for Nikki. (also stubborn, rude, and thickheaded 😉)


Aww. That’s an absolutely beautiful thing you wrote about her, Bell. You’re definitely right about the macho bravado and anger being directed inward — mostly because of her dad — and it’s eating her up. Is she trans? We will see! But either way, she has a lot of growing to do… 😊


I know 😔 Poor Angela. I do really, really love her. But don’t be too sad, Jack. Her birthday is coming soon and there will be a pinup!

Jack Dawson

Oooo... when? Would it too much to ask if we got her some different hairdos?


It's next month! She's a Taurus. ♉ What hairstyles do you think would look good on her?