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Jill and Adele's rendezvous by the hot spring heats up, but not all is as it seems...

Gosh, this episode took a bit longer than I expected (and is a bit longer than I expected), but I'm quite proud of the art and I loved writing for Adele. 

I can't wait to hear what you think! 😊




Wow, as always that's a lot of great insight, Alyson! I admit I'm pretty proud of the level of realism (and hotness) in this episode. Jill is really coming into her own! Her delicate balancing act between being kind and understanding with Adele while also asserting not rising to meet her (albeit brief) hostility I think shows why Xu was so eager to have her as a handler. 😉 And, yes, Jill is just straight-up claiming her womanhood now, no hangups about it... at least not in this episode. Privately, though, I think she still has some things she needs to process. I'm excited to explore that more in future episodes. 💖


Thank you so much, Maggie! It's always great to hear such kind words. 😊 I agree that Jill would make an amazing handler--and so does Mr. Xu! Of course, she's very adamant that she'll never be forced her into the role, but we'll see if she ever changes her mind. After all, Second Dawn doesn't seem to be shutting down anytime soon so there will be lots of young men being feminized in need of her help. And thank you! I'm happy with the facial expressions I was able to capture in this episode--especially some of the pages that (I hope) captures the emotion of the moment. And, yes, I think Jill is getting prettier and prettier. Maybe it's just her confidence, though. 😉


Thanks, Sky! You sure have an eye for the details! Jill certainly knows her own strength and beauty and is becoming more comfortable with showing it off. 😊 That's good for Adele... and even better for us!


Thank you so much, sniggy! I'm so glad you're enjoying the story and its continued twists, turns, and characters. I have more in store for you, so stay tuned! As for Jill, she isn't based on a real person, unfortunately. I'd love for a real-life Jill existed somewhere in the world! 🤩


At this point, Jill probably hasn't thought about Mason in a while. But I'm sure if they ever meet, Jill will be forced to confront her complicated feelings for him. He was friendly to her, but that was early on in her forced transition, and she's changed so much since then. How will she react? You'll just have to wait and see!


Thanks, Vyria! 💖 Jill's self-confidence, kindness, and strength have certainly grown since the beginning of her journey. Jack was full of false bravado, but the woman she's become is full of inner power and grace. Hopefully it'll be enough to get her through whatever obstacles she'll face in the (near) future...


Indeed, looks like there are some people who are keeping a close eye on Jill and making sure she's playing by the rules. There are eyes (and cameras) everywhere on the island... and maybe even above it! 👁


Oh! Autumn, I'm so pleased you gave in to the pressure and even more pleased that you enjoyed it! Reading the whole story from the start will be a journey! But I'd be soo interested in hearing your thoughts after you finish. 💖


Thank you, Jennifer! To be fair, that was "man dick" and this is "girl dick." 😉 But, yes, she certainly seems comfortable. Maybe even eager!


Thank you, ckarya! Jill certain has come a long way in the years since she was captured by Xu. She realizes something that Ryan hasn't yet: Acceptance isn't surrender. There's a power in embracing her femininity... especially as she had realized it was always a part of her in the first place. No person is wholly masculine or feminine. Of course, the more you tend a seed, the bigger the flower blooms, so it's clear that whatever "seed" of femininity was in Jill when she was Jack, it's been growing ever since Holly helped her realize that "there's a woman inside every man." 😊


Thanks so much Jen! I'm really glad you like the art. I've been working really hard to make sure it captures the emotion of the story and is as realistic as possible. My theory is that Jack was "cis by default." That is, he never really had a fully formed male identity. Heck, it'd be easy to argue that he never had a fully formed identity at all! These "cis by default" guys are much more apt to adapt to their forced transition to female, which is why they're usually selected for the companion program. Jill is happier than Jack for sure because her sense of self has only grown stronger on the island. She now knows who she is and how strong she can be even in the face of something like the horrors of Second Dawn.


Nina, thank you! 💖 I'm so glad you're loving the story!!! Yeah, the parallels between Jill and Holly are pretty striking. I do think Jill's motivations are more noble than Holly's were since she was always in on the whole plan. She sees Adan as somebody who has been tormented and hates what they've 'allowed' to be done to them, and she wants to help. She knows that physical pleasure helped her reconnect to her own body, so she's hoping it will do the same for Adan / Adele. So far, it seems like it's working. 😊


Your are doing an amazing job. Honestly a bit surprised you're not being poached by some big named animation studio with your skill level. Oh I can absolutely see that. I can see it tying in with that mentality of "I didn't expect to live this long." Even if it's not in a depressed way that kind of mentality doesn't lend itself to basic introspection. Let alone the level of introspection to determine is you're trans or not.

Alyson Greaves

I’m just on the opening shot and there’s already an incredible level of realism (and hotness) on show. And I already love Jill teaching Adele how to compartmentalise, how to be angry *and* kind. Jill’s face on pages 6 and 7 is amazing! Actually, on all the pages! God, Adele lashing out and Jill just… dealing with it. Redirecting it with understanding and with (justified) praise. She’s so damn good at this. (She should be a handler! 😛) And she’s explicitly, out loud, claiming herself as a woman. She’s past all her hangups. Her progress! And she’s so sweet with Adele… And then the last panel. Gulp. (And I mean that as a way of colloquially expressing anxiety, not as a sound-effect for what Jill’s about to do.) Bloody fantastic update again, Emory 😍


OMG, OMG, OMG ❣️❣️❣️The level of photo realism is just out of scale already... Face expressions of Jill are... 🥰🥰🥰Yeah can agree with Aly... if she would ever be somehow forced to be a long term handler... she would be best handler possible ever (shortest time for subjects to start dealing with what happened to them...) But I am guessing she's more into stopping all current operations on the island. She's still mad ad Xu about what he's doing and how... This facility and resources can be used much better... for the good cause... P.S. Page 23 with Adele looking straight into camera (at us) is sooo 😍This face is not only showing pleasured person... it is showing us that, that person is pleasured by one and the only true star of the show, famous Jill herself... 😎 LOOOL P.S.2 Is Jill prettier & prettier in every update???

Tiki D

Jill really look gorgeous than ever. 😉


Monitoring, Xu (Kaschak) or Morosini? I imagine Xu, because such a hulk is not likely to go unnoticed, and with the level of security that Xu manages even if he is thousands of feet above the ground, he would detect it for sure. Very interesting conversation between Jill and Adam/Adele. Where we see how Jill is accepting and getting the mind and body to reconnect again, without losing her personality, but improving it. And the strength and struggle of Adam/Adele, that even though he has not yet been able (nor wanted, nor accepted) to reconnect his new body with his mind, at least he is still strong and not broken, as Jill tells him. Fuck, this just gets better and better chapter by chapter. 😍


Jill wet shinning water on skin in low light is super erotic beautiful fabulous art Emory . I love Jills large firm breasts full areolas erect nipples and booty crack between glutes just slightly above water line is delicious to view . Her face WOW full lips big eyes total woman bone structure wide hips narrow waist shoulders X body shape . Jill making love sexuality sweating wet all over her body is desired . I can almost hear Jill breathing in out gasping for air as her body slippery sounds sliding against partners wet sweaty skin . Total animalistic erotic passion lost in moment orgasm search . Jill knows she is now a woman and we viewers love her accepting wanting life exciting future .


uh oh! zu is onto jills plot! jill is so beautiful it makes me wonder if she is based on a real person ? your plot lines just keep getting better and better.anxious to see what's next!

Tiki D

Im wondering how Jill is going to react to Mason. I know Jill has every right not to forgive Mason based on altering her body, but I still can't helpnthe feeling she has a soft spot for him.

Tiki D

Im wondering how is Connie doing?

Vyria Durav

Aww this is really sweet and cute. I'm really curious to see how things play out but I'm also super proud of Jill for how far she's come.

Patrick Hunt

Looks to me that someone is making sure that Jill is cooperating with the program.

Autumn Rovers

SOOO i bowed to the pressure and WOW and that's an acronym for WOW-o-WOW (thank you Terry and your love of yogurt) I want to take about 2-3 weeks off and read the whole story from start to finish!

Jennifer Dee

It seems Jill has become so comfortable sucking dick now! She’s come a long way from the wild night on the island with her ex. She seemed repulsed upon being show the footage. Hope to see more of this!


WOW your art is so stellar! So many of the images I had a hard time telling if they weren't just real photos! And Jill is so sweet, I think Adelle might be more right than she realizes. Jack obviously didn't want to be kidnapped and tortured, but Jill seems much happier as she is now than anyone not trans would be

Nina (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-17 06:23:42 Wonderful work! Your art is so fantastic!! I absolutely adore it! The parallels between Jill and Holly are so great to see! Something tells me with the monitoring that this is what they expected. Maybe even the ‘special dinner’ is going to get some dinner and a show? My thought is that they’re going to play all the times Jill played along or gave in to prove that she wins as best creation from Xu’s island. That or Holly has returned to the island? Hmmmm. Or I could just be flat out wrong! Ahhhhhhh! I feel like Adan is extremely realistic here with the hatred for the program and the self hatred. I feel for them and can’t wait for Jill to take on holly’s role >:) The story’s ramping up ahhhh it’s so good! I love it Emory!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2023-01-17 05:00:56 Wonderful work! Your art is so fantastic!! I absolutely adore it! The parallels between Jill and Holly are so great to see! Something tells me with the monitoring that this is what they expected. Maybe even the ‘special dinner’ is going to get some dinner and a show? My thought is that they’re going to play all the times Jill played along or gave in to prove that she wins as best creation from Xu’s island. That or Holly has returned to the island? Hmmmm. Or I could just be flat out wrong! Ahhhhhhh! I feel like Adan is extremely realistic here with the hatred for the program and the self hatred. I feel for them and can’t wait for Jill to take on holly’s role >:) The story’s ramping up ahhhh it’s so good! I love it Emory!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wonderful work! Your art is so fantastic!! I absolutely adore it! The parallels between Jill and Holly are so great to see! Something tells me with the monitoring that this is what they expected. Maybe even the ‘special dinner’ is going to get some dinner and a show? My thought is that they’re going to play all the times Jill played along or gave in to prove that she wins as best creation from Xu’s island. That or Holly has returned to the island? Hmmmm. Or I could just be flat out wrong! Ahhhhhhh! I feel like Adan is extremely realistic here with the hatred for the program and the self hatred. I feel for them and can’t wait for Jill to take on holly’s role >:) The story’s ramping up ahhhh it’s so good! I love it Emory!!!!!!!!!!!!!