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Jill and Adele get acquainted...

Happy New Year! 🎉

Another very fun comic to create and write. Adele's introduction has been really fun. I hope you like how Jill is handling it. I can't wait to hear your thoughts.

I also included some audio files of this one. It's a bit of a test run to see if you'd like to "hear" some of the dialogue in the comics. Tell me what you think! 💖




Go for Extreme Jill We all love her body face mind thoughts SUPER STAR JILL TRANSGENDER BEST EVER

Emily Morgan

I think 19 and 24 are brilliant. The writing is like poetry and her expressions are timeless. Jill has fully embraced being a woman and decided that since life gave her lemons she was going to make lemonade.


Hmmm and I thought I'll be first before I clicked the link from e-mail... LOL... Emory this part is truly beautiful on so many layers... beautiful renders, and beautiful Jill's mind... oh... she is so well aware of HERself already... ❣️❣️❣️ OMG audio files OMG ❣️❣️❣️

Tiki D

This chapter is a call back to Jack (Before Jill) during his early womanly metamorphosis was scared of being touch by anyone, until Holly came to him/her to embrace the benefits of their body. Now, Jill is fully embracing her natural feminine beauty despite not her choice to sharing with someone else.


Do you know what’s eerie and creepy about this scenario and the conversation between Adele and Jill? It reminds me of the conversations that Holly used to have with Jill in the early days. You remember folks, when she was trying to win Jill over, but was really doing Xu’s dirty work. Yes, it was about surviving in Xu’s twisted world, and Holly isn’t as strong as Jill, but my question for Jill, and all of us, is does Jill know what she’s doing, and, if so, is it innocent, is it aimed at eliminating a rival, or, worst of all, is she subconsciously doing Xu’s bidding and getting Adele to submit to the program?

Ella Cherry

Hmmm… it seems Jill is becoming perfect for filling Holly's shoes. I know she is not doing it to cause harm, but I'll root for another path for her! Another great chapter and another interesting character introduced, Emory! 😊

Autumn Rovers

I usually save up the chapters and read binge them, but after all these comments i may need to jump in!!


Jill is so incredibly sweet. And much smarter than she gives herself credit for. I love that she doesn't appear to be mad at Holly.


I can see why you were so consumed by this one! Incredible


Another great chapter, plus this one takes us back to the beginning of the story, same setting, almost the same characters (Adele for Holly) but... different roles. Jill is Holly, and Adam/Adele is Jack/Jill. Is Jill's role so different with Holly's role? I think not, hence my earlier comments that it's not all black and white, but gray. Jill we see with kind eyes because we know her story in depth. Of Holly we also know quite a bit of her story, but not as in depth, she has been working for Xu for 10 years, and Jill has "only" been in his hands for 3 years. I don't want to be Holly's defense attorney, but I do want to stress what was said above that it's not all black and white, there are exceptions like Xu and Davis for example hehehe. I do think Jill is more "pure" than Holly, but also she hasn't had her father killed, she's been ruined and her boyfriend turned into a scort.... What we do see is the great growth, and not just the obvious one 😊, that Jack has had on his way to Jill, and as previous comments have said, I like that in a story of forced feminization, the feminized one doesn't end up being a weak and submissive person, but becomes a strong and more well-rounded person. PS: buen trabajo con tu español, Em! 🤩

Alyson Greaves

I went back and read ‘The Competition — Adele’ and I love the contrast between the two viewpoints: the deliberately distanced prose of the summary of her forced transition and Adele’s own account of it, which is withdrawn and traumatised. She was ‘kept in many different rooms’, guarded by men who were ‘always leering and laughing at me’ and ‘sometimes paraded in front of laughing, fat men…like an animal’. Whereas her entry in ‘The Competition’ drily insists ‘her outlook had improved significantly’ and ‘she was starting to accept that she was now a woman’; it even says she was ‘encouraged to form bonds with the staff’! I love this so much because it really does underline the justifications that these powerful men use, even amongst themselves: they’re changing people for the better; they’re artists; the girls under the care are, eventually, happy. And then Jill. Who actually did find benefits for herself in all this, who became a new, stronger person, a woman who knows herself, understands herself, and loves herself in ways Jack never did and never could. And she’s comfortable in her body now, and she knows it’s possible for others, too; like Holly did. And while she has the evidence of Ryan to tell her that, no, not every man can come to terms with it the way she and Holly did, for some, it’s possible, and therefore she should try to encourage it in *all* the transitioned men she meets. And the looming collision between Jill’s innate and incredible kindness and the choice she’s going to have to make! To work ‘willingly’ for Xu or to suffer some yet-to-be-determined fate! She’s facing that down and yet she’s still trying, with every new girl she meets, to help them. Her transformation has been extraordinary. “I’m not Jack anymore, I’m Jill.” Fuck yeah, Jill. Every update of this story seems to get better and better: more beautiful rendering, more psychologically interesting; hotter. Amazing work as always 😍


Lemonade, indeed! Jill is proving she's not only a survivor but she's also a hell of a fighter. And thanks for mentioning the art that are your favorite. I looked back at them and I'm really happy with how they turned out. I admit I loved some of Jill's lines in this one, too. That's why I included the audio. 😁 Thank you again, Bell!


Thank you, Maggie! Your kind words are much appreciated. I'm so glad you enjoyed the audio files! I really want to make the experience as immersive as possible. 💖💖💖


Thank you! I'm glad you liked the parallel. Jill is definitely coming into her own and understanding the power of her physical being.


Thank you, Robert and Ella! The situation is definitely a mirror to Holly's and Jill's, although Adele is far more aware than Jill (then still calling herself "Jack") was in the moment. I love your speculation about Jill's mind set and motivations! I don't want to give too much away, but you'll find out more in the next episode for sure. 😁


Thank you, Ella! I think Jill sees someone who is in pain and incredibly lonely. She knows mere words can't fix the problem, but she remembers being comforted by physical intimacy. It helped her accept her new body in ways words never could, and she sees the same opportunity to help someone else. Of course, you're right that this is only helping Xu and friends! 😬


Thanks, Jen! 💖 No, Jill is sadder about Holly's lies than mad. After all, Holly really did help her accept her new body. And now she's seen what might have been if she hadn't: She might have become like Ryan, broken to the point of (maybe) no return. I can't wait for Holly and Jill to have another scene together!


Thank you for your thoughtful comments, ckarya! 💖 I completely agree that the roles of Holly and Jill are complex and not entirely black and white. Both characters have gone through significant struggles and challenges and have had to make difficult choices in order to survive in the twisted world of Second Dawn. The growth and development of the character of Jill is paramount to me. She has become a strong and well-rounded person despite the horrors she has endured. We've seen through Ryan, Adele, and others that what Second Dawn does to men can be a destructive and demeaning experience, but Jill (and, yes, Holly) has shown us that it's possible to come out of such a situation with strength and resilience. I'm happy you enjoyed my use of Spanish! I hope I didn't butcher it too badly. 🤣


OMG Alyson, thanks so much for your kind words and (as always!) amazingly insightful observations. 💖 I love, love, love the contrast you pointed out between Adele's personal account and the summary presented in "The Competition!" Kaschak obviously has little interest or understanding in the true pain he has caused Adele and he's justifying his actions as being for the benefit of the girls. Abusers and oppressors always try to manipulate, gaslight, and deceive those under their control. And then there's Jill. 😊 Not everyone is able to adapt and thrive in such a traumatic situation, as we see with Ryan's story. But Jill has managed to find strength and purpose in her transformation and has become a compassionate and caring woman who wants to help others going through similar experiences. She's becoming comfortable in her own body and embracing the power in her femininity. Jack was strong in ways that only Jill can appreciate now (he didn't cave into his bastard father, for instance), but it's clear that Jill is an even more incredibly resilient and strong person. At least... I hope it's clear! 😁 Thank you so much!!!


Jill is ready to be all woman . Jack still is there knowing best interests is to accept and love new sexuality . Amazing art looking at Jills full firm breasts nipples showing above water line supported by fluid very attractive in several renders . The close up of 2 breasts nipples erotic . I want to jump in with both characters and feel their entire bodies against mine . Jill has a small penis that can double as a clitoris or erect large rod . The future is bright for Jill . Will be able to have sexual intercourse with women or men or sissy . Jill can penetrate womens vaginas . Add a vagina operation for her complete powerful sexuality . Jacks mind with body will seduce all he she desires . Jill is destined to be the ultimate sex partner . Jill is heart pounding beautiful nude body and face . Fantastic character Emory your best transgender render . In real life rare to have man become so gorgeous . Often mens bone structure prevents beautiful result . Looking at Jill makes fantasy of being sexualy changed a fun dream .

stacy C

Nice touch adding the speaking files :-) x


Wow! That was quite a description, Sky. You certainly have a vivid imagination! 🔥 I'm excited to explore the possibilities that Jill has ahead of her, too!