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We've reached a crucial moment and now it's up to you to choose the direction the story will take.

Jill will soon meet someone that will shape the course of the story.

Who will it be? That's where you come in! 😊

P.S. Just because one of these isn't #1 doesn't mean it won't ever happen in the story. Although, whichever comes in last probably won't. 😂

P.P.S I intended this to be multiple choice so you could pick ALL the options you liked, but somehow that didn’t happen and I can’t edit it. Annoying! If you’d like, please post your #2 option in the comment below!


Jessica Thence

All of those are interesting! I look forward to seeing what you did!


As a second option: A member of "the competition" who has arrived early.


second option: Mr. Xu's heir

Jack Dawson

It would be fun if the competition is "Josie" who is entered by her new companion. Two buxom aphrodisian blondes duking it out for top beauty.

France Day

second option: A member of "the competition" who has arrived early.

Eva Grimm

The heir is my second choice


coven member


My second choice is "Mr Xu's hier" and what Jack proposed is truly an intriguing idea :) :) :)


Second option: Holly’s Coven!


Coven member


second option: Mr. Xu's heir

Tiki D

I can't decide between Mr. Xu's heir or Competition member. Mr. Xu's heir is what Im curious about to what's going to happen Jill by winning the contest. Also, curious about this competition member. Is she going show Jill more benefits of being Xu's heir to fully join his side or slowly her to let go of her former identity and fully enjoy the opportunities?

Tiki D

This competition member would probably have similar role like Madison. She would probably reforce her slowly (knowing how Xu can easily manipulate people) to keep Jill in check.