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I have finally compiled a complete list of all the characters in Jack & Jill. Wow! There’s a lot. This “dramatis personae” includes all the major and minor characters, as well as some background characters that you may not have noticed before.

So, here’s the thing: I originally intended to include all the characters in a single post, but I quickly realized that Jack & Jill has a lot of characters and I have more to say about each of them than I expected. So, instead of cramming everything into one long post, I’m breaking it up into multiple parts.

I’ve decided to list them “in order of appearance.” That is, when they show up in the comic. In Part 1 of this series, we have all the characters who show up between the beginning and the end of Phase 3.

Luckily, these are most of the characters that drive the story and play a significant role in the overall plot (although there’s a notable few who are missing). I will also be providing some background information on each character and sharing some of my thoughts on their motivations and personality.

I hope you enjoy this reminder of the characters, their histories, and some “secret” background information of how they became involved with Mr. Xu and Second Dawn.

Stay tuned for Part 2 in the coming days!



Jessica Thence

This is just what I needed!

Alyson Greaves

Mike backstory! Mike backstory!

Ella Cherry

This is great, Emory! Love to read more about Josie! ❤️

Emily Morgan

I really appreciate this a lot. Please do more. I don’t know if you remember but a long time ago I commented that I sometimes forget who certain characters are and a character’s bios list would be helpful. Now you’ve begun a character’s bios and I think it’s a good thing especially for readers who want a refresher on their backstories without having to dig through the stories for one part. Thanks


THIS IS EPIC.... Emory you're reading in my mind??? I think I mentioned once a while ago that I would really appreciate something like this............. please, please pretty please continue this :) ❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️

Autumn Rovers

You are like the Christmas Elf that keeps on giving :) Thank you!!!


oooh like but can not read (translate) in this form


Storm, in order to translate the text of a photo I use YANDEX, which is an online translator that allows you to translate both text and photos. The translation is not very good, rather sucks, so I also use the program "Copyfish", with it you can select the text and then translate it either with google or with DeepL (I advise you to use the latter). I hope I have helped you. PS: Anyway, as I have already commented to Emory, if she would include a .txt file with the text along with the pdf files, as she does with the captions, it would make our work much easier. 😘 PS2: I translate to Spanish, if you need it, let me know and I will send it to you.

Erica Rost

It's nice, this Curriculum vitae ! 😘


Love a good backstory! And I love the fleshing out of slightly more minor characters!

stacy C

Great idea Em.....loved reading all the background details on our protagonists. x


Thanks, Nina!!! I love the idea that even the minor characters are actually fully formed "people" if we look a little closed. 😊