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Chris gets advice from an unexpected source...

I apologize for the delay in getting Homecoming out to you. I've been hard at work improving my art and techniques. I like the results! But it did mean that I was a day behind. At least it’s (another) long one! 😊

This is the penultimate episode of Season 1! 

I can't wait to hear your thoughts on the story, and I hope it was worth the wait. 💖




we all want the female side to win haha


Yes and no... it is difficult to explain. Long story short, I want him to learn to live with his new outward facade and slowly, slowly figure out the social, physical, etc differences and be able to enjoy them... but still also continue to accept that he is or was a man... but mostly I hope that in love he stays on the girls only team hehehe. I imagine that balance must be fucking difficult, but I'd like to see a character who manages to square those two feelings, wanting to keep feeling like a man but at the same time enjoy, discover, live and feel what it's like to live as a woman. Of our favorite characters, I think Chris and Sandy may be the ones who get it, or at least get it first. Jill, Holly... I think they've "overplayed their hand" and are more women than men. And Nikky and Ryan, so far, are the ones who have the hardest time.


Once again a very interesting chapter and being the penultimate of the season I see that you are preparing us a great cliffhanger for the end hehehehe. This chapter gives us some answers, albeit very subtle, to the questions we asked in the previous episode. For example, we already know what we intuited, that Bella still has some control over Chris and that's why he hasn't actively collaborated with the police. But we still don't know what he is so afraid of, we do know that Kayla is threatened, and what the deal was or what happened in her release.... We can also intuit that Chris still trusts his friend, so he has no suspicion that he might be associated with Bella and her gang as we speculated in the other chapter... or at least that's what he believes. And very interesting their Smeagol-Gollum talk, I mean Chris-Kris.😂 I always love the psychological point in your stories. I think with this "talk" ends Chris's depressive phase and begins the phase of survival in even fighting. I hope that in this new phase, Chris remembers what it was that kept him sane and willing to live and survive in his captivity: Kayla, and forgets his discouragement and fear of being broken and fights to fall in love with her again.... even if he has to use other "weapons". PS: I find the render on page 20 mind-blowing, the details of the nipple and the hand... wow! And I also love page 24, both look like a real photo! 😘

Kirsten Roberts

I love all your work but this is the best thing you’ve done by far. I cannot wait for the next episode. It’s just incredible artistry and storytelling that has me hooked

Phil G

Chris can never be a functioning man again. He really has only 2 options. Remain halfway or complete the transition. To have a real relationshis with his wife, he should get SRS.


Interesting hallucinatory self-talk. It's cool to see a dual personality that isn't antagonistic in these stories and I always enjoy a good LotR reference. Great job, Em! Also, fantastic work on the renders as per usual.


So... when Chris/Gollum is fondling their breast on page 20... I think they should call it "My Precious"!


The self talk should have said, "get a vagina, just get it over with"

Ella Cherry

Great to see the present as well! I love this story! ❤️


I believed once he finds out about Kayla’s relationship she (Kris) is going to devastated. Throw in that fact of her cop boyfriend who is trying to influence Kayla and seems and has her kinda convinced that Chris wanted to be a girl and thats why he disappeared will compound the devastation. Kayla has not backed off or away from any affection there. Not sure how you are going to tie all of this up in the next episode without a devastating end. Which is sad as Chris if he did finally speak up even more may have had Kayla fess up / explain why she thought she was moving on thinking he was Dead. but now Chris is back, if Kayla had the deep love She would seem to do what she could to reconnect and help him back to a man ( if that’s the choice) or love him enough to be by Her side again as Kris is now. Chris still thinking he is protecting Kayla has driven her away even more. Is the Cop boyfriend/ ex best friend part of it all??? It will be interesting to see, but I feel a “happily ever after”. Is not in the cards………


Ahhhhhh! Something tells me Chris isn’t safe!!! Nooooooo! Emoorrrrrryyyyyyyy! Real talk tho, at this point I think if either Chris or Kris tell the cops stuff I don’t think they’ll believe them. That talk last chapter confirms that for me honestly. Especially considering this idea of “living in fear,” it’s leading me to believe that leaving Bella comes with certain stipulations. One being, don’t say shit and change your name. Also, how the fuck is Chris surviving?!?! No sex hormones???? I feel awful if I miss a day, there’s no telling how many they’ve missed. I really hope this Bistro trip is quick and done but something tells me that Chris is about to get a rude awakening from something, maybe even Kris will have to take over! Either way, fantastic work as always Emory!! The way you render and create is just so darn cool!!

France Day

Our character's introspection is characterized by special attention and intention towards others. This psychic point of reference demonstrates a great openness of mind and intelligence as if one were to say: "It is through others that I exist" and the mirror effect is strikingly true. This inclination reveals an individuality and a temperament of an approach of great femininity. Wonderful EA, many thanks.


Chris will definitely always remember that he was a man before Bella got her claws into him. How much he'll adjust will depend on how much he remains physically changed and how much of his "old" self he has left. Chris has a long, hard path ahead. Having accepted that he can't go back to his old life, he must now find a way to embrace his new one in whatever form it may take.


Thank you so much for your comment, ckarya. You're so sweet! 😊 What can I say? I try. 😁 I'm glad that you appreciate the psychological elements of the story. They can be difficult to convey, especially as a comic. I tried to make Chris's mental state evident with the dream sequences. The mirror sequence hopefully shows how trapped he is in his own mind, and how he's battling with himself over his own identity. ⚔ Kayla was definitely his light in the darkness. But what will happen to his psyche if / when he finds out she had a relationship with Ben? And thank you so much for mentioning the detailed render on page 20 / 24! I had a lot of fun with it. I tried to push the boundary with the details and shaders, to see how far I could go. 😊


Wow, thank you Kirsten for the compliments! 💖 I'm really loving telling the story so far. Chris / Kris is such a fascination character to develop and it's so gratifying to hear that others are enjoying him/her, too. Thank you! I can't wait to hear what you think of the season finale.


It's a possibility, Phil. He certainly doesn't seem to have a high regard for his man hood now... 🤔


Thank you, Ella! Honestly, I think balancing the present / past stories has been both the most challenging and rewarding part of this story so far. 😊


Thank you so much for your thoughtful analysis, animal! It's interesting you mention the possibility of a "happily ever after." The story so far is certainly filled with plenty of heartache, but there's hopefully still a chance for Chris and Kayla to find their way back to each other. Kayla does still love Chris... even if she isn't sure what form their relationship should take now. We'll have to wait and see what unfolds in the next episodes! 🤔 Whether Ben is a part of it all... He certainly at least knows more than Kayla does about Chris / Kris's situation!


Hi France! As always, that's a very insightful comment. I think it's important for all of us to recognize that we exist through our relationships with others, and that our lives are shaped by those relationships. I'm glad you can see this reflected in Chris's story. 😊


Hi Nina! Wow! As always, you've made some amazing observations. At this point, Chris is having hard time trusting anyone--even the police. After all, as far as he knows, a sex trafficking ring has been operating under his nose and they've been unable or unwilling to do anything about it. He doesn't think his friend Benjamin was involved, but that's still unnerving. And, yeah, the fact that he's been without hormones for so long--we can only imagine the toll it has taken on his body and his emotions. But, of course, you can imagine the psychological toll of deciding to voluntarily inject himself with the very things which have so altered his body that his fiancé needed dental records to identify him would be extremely traumatic. As for your predictions about Bella's stipulations... All I can say is that you're quite close! You'll have to stay tuned to find out what happens! 🤫 Thank you for your kind words and for being a part of Chris / Kris's journey. 😊

stacy C

Gorgeous pin up....luv the gollum reference.....my preciousssss :-) x