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I originally created this timeline of Jason's transition into Janelle back in 2019. Now seemed like a good time to recreate it with my updated techniques considering where we are in the story. 

I can't help but feel bad for Jason / Janelle and what she went through. Although she perhaps now has a chance for revenge against Second Dawn, Holly's confession has wounded her deeply.

P.S. Mason is originally from Chicago, which is also where Homecoming takes place. 😊




Mr. Davis. As utterly loathsome then as you are now. So glad to see nothing has changed, my dearest muse.

Jessica Thence

I was just saying I was having trouble following the characters. Nice!

Autumn Rovers

thank you :) i looove the updated look!!

Alyson Greaves

oh my god this is so incredibly emotionally affecting, WOW poor kid.


WOW ❣️❣️❣️

stacy C

Great idea to do an update.....Janelle looks even better x


I know. 😢 Janelle really has been put through the wringer. What happened between her and Holly probably feels like the cherry on the shit sundae that has been her life ever since she was "loaned" to Xu.