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Halloween is almost upon us! And that means the Platinum Star members get to choose sexy-spooky costumes for the girls to model. 

We get to dress up Jill, Nikki, and Sandy like last year -- but Chris from Homecoming and Ryan from Jack & Jill are now also in the mix. 😀

How this will work: Please choose your Top 5 favorite costume ideas from below. The girls will wear the final Top 5!

(Maybe it goes without saying, but you can append "sexy" in front of all these costumes 💖 🦇)


Alyson Greaves

Please be careful when you dress Ryan up — he's dangerous!

Alison St John

Great selection to choose from Emory 💕

Zoe Storm

Please put Nikki in the princess dress and make her expression super annoyed, a la "I'm never going to admit I kinda like this"


Please, please pick the top two!


Just know there were more 50's Starlets than Marylin


Emory, It doesn't matter what you create, all will be wonderful and a great screen saver.


The holy trinity of Audrey Hepburn, Katherine Hepburn, and Marylin Monroe


Do we also choose which costume each girl wears?


Awww. That’s such a sweet comment, Andre. Thank you! I’m really looking forward to these costumes. They’re fun!