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Jill's first session with Ryan comes to an abrupt end...

I'm sorry this is late! The upside is that this is one of my longest episodes ever at 26 pages. There was a lot of story I wanted to cover, as you'll see.

I really can't wait to hear what you think! 💖

P.S. Patreon is still weirdly compressing web images, so you can download the PDF if you want to best quality. 😊



Jessica Thence

This was a sexy chapter, then it became a horror story haha! I am curious to see where it ends up.

Tiki D

What has Emily and Mason been doing since last time?

Tiki D

Jill would question her if she more herself or Jack.

Ella Cherry

So many great characters in this story! Ryan is another fantastic addition! Tense and awesome chapter! ❤️


Ryan is a cutie :) ...And her handler is not a bad looking either - I'd assume she's also product of Second Dawn and this "coven" would want to recruit also Jill?

Mike R Pen

Great part. A shocking scene of violence.

Alyson Greaves

I read this quickly and excitedly last night and now I'm coming back to process it properly, and so much happened that I completely forgot the very first thing that bowled me over when I first read it: Jill's assessment of Mason. The look on her face! God, that man needs to be under house arrest (so he can still make hormones but otherwise have no fun for a while). Not the first time one of the girls has noted that Mason isn't honest about what he's doing, too. He's not honest with the girls and he's not honest with himself. Hudson's chaser energy is OFF THE CHARTS. Didn't Davis call him a family man? That feels like a very cheated-on family. And I love (hate) him running his bitter mouth off about Ryan failing the little test; he's proud of his work! God! If only someone would hit him with a chair! Conspicuously tall Gina and her girl. I need to know EVERYTHING. Is she the Unit 0 to Jill's Unit 1? Xu's state of the art from before they found Mason and took advantage of his expertise? Is she just a tall cis girl who looks great in blue? She definitely needs to feed her girls a bit more. God, and she only talks to Hudson after Ryan doesn't reply... She WANTS to talk to Ryan! What are her training methods like? Because she seems so chatty and friendly, but her asset is subdued and terrified. At least until she gets Ryan to run. (Honestly showing Ryan his future like this feels like a massive fuckup of the sort Holly — and perhaps Gina? — wouldn't make. Horny guys showing once again they don't understand the psychology at play compared to people who've been through it.) God I love Gina's girl cheering in the background as Ryan runs. A shame he doesn't get anywhere. And Hudson's a literal chaser now. (Sorry.) JOSIE! I mean, uh, what's-your-name. Guy-Josie. And Mike. JOSIE! Aww, proto-Jill. Ears presumably burning because everyone keeps talking about her big squishy genetic markers. Hudson continuing to be absolutely hateworthy. (And cross-referencing what he says, and what he's allowed to do, with Davis' insistence that Xu's just an old softy.) Someone should definitely hit him with a chair. Oh well. SMACK! Hell yes. Sorry about your brain, fucko. (Also yay my new favourite Ryan Face.) And then Ryan getting a crowbar into Jill's fragile self-confidence. Is this what Xu and Holly meant by either Jack will come roaring back or be buried for good? Jill having to justify her own womanhood and her own acceptance of it in the face of an argument, in words and in flesh, that it is imposed entirely from without? Poor Jill. Poor Ryan! Xu's a softy, though. And then more whiplash for Jill as she gets a phone and the run of the place and calls Holly because even though she knows Holly's lied and lied and lied she needs to hear the voice of someone who isn't filled with contempt for her and Holly doesn't even pick up. Maybe she'll go see Gina! That shot of Jill alone in the filthy corridor is my new Windows background. Incredible work. And an incredible update. Like I told you, I went screaming to Discord immediately after finishing it and this morning I screamed a little more. I might not stop screaming for a few days.

Allan Kim

Things get exciting more and more. I cant wait the next episode.


already very good I like this institute they should !! they also in real women still transformed to the end hehe the one or other customer wants but also times children!! or offspring


All of this, yes. Also, is there a Discord for this group?


ooooohhhhhhh duh! Also woof, huge fan of your work. *fangirling*


OMG so long... will read after reading the chapter... and i am so ashamed i am late 2 long days... LOL


OK OK OK because for couple last chapters I didn't post a long & thorough post here and I'm kinda jealous about quantity of thought whith which Aly shares with us... mine will be again longer now :D I already said it once but I'll repeat myself. I am absolutely astonished by the level of detail of Ryan's memory ;) I was kinda upset till page 23 and I am explaining why... What Ryan said and how he was poking at Jill made me feel uncomfortable a bit... as I am always saying that i am on Jill's team and wish her the best and that includes wishing her fully embracing her womanhood. Words Ryan said had sense he looks like he is truly sticking to being male at the core of his personality. It looked a bit like a conversation between intelligent person and bimbo not knowing what is important in life and that I didn't appreciate. But... Page 23 flushed that feeling for me [thankfully] what Jill said it pointed me out that absolute rage that Ryan has now (he is changed) was brought by monsters from this place... How awesome it would be like Jill would actually be able to "fix" or rather heal Ryan soul??? OMG gulp oh and of course my beloved Jill is way smarter than Ryan thinks... I think that's it for now... If something else pops into my mind I'll edit this post... Cheers everybody.


Well Maggie I agree with your thoughts up to page 23. I too believe (like Ryan), that you can change the "shell" but the "fruit" or essence does not change with it...it adapts. In other words, forcibly changing a person's sex will not cause them to change their perception of their gender. The same with their sexual desires. I do not buy what in the immense literature, comics, stories... of this genre or similar, it is usually the most repeated cliché that the person "changed" either forcibly, or by magic, etc. suddenly becomes attracted and crazy of desire for people of their initial gender (in this case heterosexual boys changed into heterosexual girls interested in men). In real life, what percentage of straight or gay people in their 20s and 30s become gay or straight? I think we will all agree that religious reconversion therapies are a real horror, right? That's why I like Emory's stories, they are or try to be very real and I think in his stories what we see is the internal struggle of the changed person in learning to play the cards he has been dealt. We see in the beginning anger, despair and horror. And as time goes on and if they have help (Holly for Jill) or something strong to fight for (Kayla for Chris in Homecoming), how they learn to survive and adapt. And yes, some will agree and manage to align the "shell" with the "fruit", but I think the vast majority will not, they may adapt and cope better or worse, but I don't think that alignment will be achieved. PS: If you have not read the book by Alyson Greaves (commentator here), I advise you to do so (The sister of Dorley), it touches on this subject, forced feminization, and I think you can see in it what I have exposed. PS2: Alyson I love your book. 😍 PS3: Emory, another great chapter! I want to know more about Gina and the redhead! 😉

stacy C

Great stuff.....would love to know more about that little cutie in the hallway tho x


As always, fantastic!! Emory you out do yourself every new part!! I’m so excited to see how the story develops!! Also, I know you mentioned this was an issue you noticed before so I just thought I’d point out that the first panel was a little tough to read on mobile because the text looked a little blurry. My guess is that Jill isn’t the only one involved in training that second dawn has kept from Holly’s methods. My guess is the hallway trainer, Gina, is a Holly girl too. Same with the person with her. Ryan seems to have broken in their own way and I wonder how much of this is just a test for Jill. Could be awful for her if it’s another Holly situation and “Ryan” has something major to gain from testing to make sure Jill is “obedient.” I could see Xu making her first training subject a plant to make sure she has the gall to perform. Hmm? So many questions and theories. Which will be right??? I can’t wait to find out!! So excited for more and, genuinely, incredible work both artistically and creatively!


That's right, Tiki. Really, that's the ultimate question she needs to ask herself. She has already "forgiven" Jack -- but is she ultimately a different person than him?


Thank you, Ella! I really, really like writing Ryan. He's a really fun foil for our Jill!


I hope to reveal more about Gina. I'm thinking of a caption series. Then again, maybe I should leave her alone. I don't want to "Boba Fett" her, you know? 😉


Thank you, Alyson! ❤️ It’s hard to remember that Jill hasn’t seen Mason for a couple years at this point. However she may have felt about him at the start of her journey, she’s learned so much more about herself and Second Dawn. Yes, he may be helping Emily find Jill, but at this point how can she even be fire that isn’t yet another ruse of some kind? Hudson is a “family man” the same way Davis is a family man! They supposedly both have wives but are horribly disloyal to them. You have to wonder what their spouses think they’re doing on the island… I have a backstory for Gina and her girl, naturally! Part of me wants to create a caption story for them, but the other part wants to leave the “Coven” a bit of a mystery for now. 😁 I loved the cheering girl in the background too! And Gina has her hands on her hips like, “Seriously?” Honestly loved showing both pre-Jill and pre-Josie again as a story of historical marker of where we are in the story. And also just to recall how far they’ve come! Ryan is doing a surgical strike on Jill’s identity. He can’t accept that she’s still the same person even if her gender has changed. In his mind, Jack committed a kind of identity suicide and Jill took over. Interestingly, Ryan doesn’t consider himself the same person either—he just doesn’t have a new name. I honestly felt a little bad for Holly not picking up! Jill is all alone now… and she doesn’t even have the asshole David to escort her around anymore. There’s also the psychological hit to realize they don’t even consider her a flight risk anymore.

Alyson Greaves

Interesting how Xu's control over Jill has evolved. First it was locked doors. Then it was that she's always being watched. Then it was that she's on an island and where would she go? And now it's simply that Xu's people know where her ex-girlfriend is, and they're looking for her sister. And, besides, doesn't she prefer herself now, anyway? 😈 And, well, at least Hudson's wife knows he's not cheating any more. I love that with Ryan he's both so strongly gendered male, in a way Jill perhaps never quite was, and he's been SO mistreated, that he just can't comprehend Jill's state of mind. She's even more alien to him than their captors. (I'd cheerlead for a "Gina" spinoff comic — four phases at least — but I do want you to get SOME sleep...)


Thanks so much, Maggie! I love your insightful comments. 😊 Yes, Ryan must have one of those perfect memories. OR maybe he’s making it all up just to make Jill question herself! He could be an unreliable narrator, after all. 😉 You’re right, Ryan is definitely a bit “superior” in his attitude toward Jill. Of course, we know he has suffered worse than her so perhaps it’s a bit understandable. Jill’s definitely no bimbo, though! She’s actually quite smart. So was Jack, of course, but he never saw a point in studying or doing well in school. We’ll see if she can heal Ryan’s soul! If anybody can, it’s Jill!


Thank you so much, ckarya! I agree with your excellent and insightful points. 😊 Gender can be a complex topic for anybody, let alone those who’ve hand their bodies changed without their consent. Most people won’t adapt to such a dramatic change. Holly, Jill, Sandy, and to a lesser extent Nikki and Chris are exceptions that prove the rule. Ryan, though, is the rule. His gender identity is strongly male. He can’t see himself as a woman, only as a mutilated man. And he absolutely cannot understand how Jill isn’t as angry and violent as him unless she has been brainwashed. Another important point is that Jack was not a strong person or a healthy personality. Jack didn’t like himself or what he’d become. As Jill, the person who was Jack has become stronger and more actualized. Ryan, on the other hand, liked who he was and has no reason to see a “silver lining” to being able to reinvent himself. And, yeah, that fact that he was destined to become a “toy” and not one of the “companions” was also a serious blow to Ryan’s psyche. Without a compassionate hand to help, it’s no wonder he has ended up like this. Thanks, again! Your comments make me so happy. ❤️ P.S. We will eventually learn more about Gina!


If we're talking about that if physical sex implies/determines sexual orientation... From many point of views it may look like those are "connected vessels" somehow dependent from each other for many people but life showed me (I'm almost 40) that those are pretty two separate things... :) Going further along... if we're talking about FORCED FEMINIZATION that is veeery complicated thing that probably only psychologists can say something serious about it and what we read in TG stories is only imagination of the author that we don't know how good it represents reality right? I don't know anyone IRL who would experience such a thing so I can only guess/approximate at what they would feel. Btw... I am not a fan in general of stories where forced feminization is not done as result of well deserved punishment... such stories like this are [wonderful] exceptions confirming that.


Thank you so much, Nina!!! And thank you for looking out for the blurry text. That’s really irritating me and I’m bugging Patreon for a fix. Hopefully there’s no issues on the new episode. I have a backstory for Gina and some of the other “coven” members, as well. Second Dawn certainly isn’t against recruiting from within the ranks. Holly’s “companion” division especially needs girls who can empathize with those they’re handling and help them adjust to their new realities since they’re supposed to be relatively stable and well-adjusted. It is odd that Jill has been thrown into the deep end with Ryan. She’s only a trainee and Ryan obviously needs tremendous and experienced help if they have any hope of coming back from the brink. Part of their scheme is that by suggesting if Jill “gives up” on Ryan, he’ll be killed, she may be more willing to become a handler. Of course with Mr. Xu, there is often more to the story than meets the eye.