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Chris has his first client after Cindy's makeover. The encounter doesn't go as he expects...

I apologize for this episode being a day late. It just kept getting longer in the writing. But it's 22 pages and I'm fairly proud of the visuals in this one. 😊

As always, I can't wait to hear your thoughts on Chris's predicament. We know he eventually escapes from Bella's clutches, although irrevocably changed. Do you think he'll be able to pick up the pieces of his old life?

P.S. Also a remind that you'll want to download the PDF for the best image quality. Patreon is still making the images blurry in their web app. 😟




Oh MAN! Emory that was a killer episode. I can't wait to see & read what happens next. As always, Thanks a million.


Ok keep this one going!!this is now my Favorite! (Ok they are all good ) I just don’t want to wait till the next one…I Love the struggle and how him and his wife are coping together as he tells his experience

Tiki D

Why do I have a feeling that "Bella" could be spying over Chris through his/her wife?

Tiki D

Bella has similar to Xu in a way. She could have some back-up plans to get to Chris mentally as well.

Erica Rost

Chris isn't the type to give in or make love to a stranger he or she doesn't like.

Patrick Hunt

Bella seems to getting comfortable, which led to Chris being able to escape easier

France Day

Emory, these paintings are of exquisite finesse oriented towards the intelligence of Chris (tine) who knows, despite crossing to the other shore, how to analyze situations and use the sensitivity of his instinct to extricate herself from the clutches of domination . Intelligence is also the ability to dominate situations, its shield against disarray. Barring an overly aggressive "domination", our heroine has the intrinsic and extrinsic abilities to inhabit the castle of her heart. A work of craftsmanship and precision this subtle chapter, thank you.

Alyson Greaves

Dear GOD the rendering this episode is bananas. It's so good. Chris looks incredible! (Sorry Chris.) Love the immensely punchable face on the client. Which he capitalises on by being extremely punchable in general! The first time I read this I was rooting for Chris to keep hold of his balls and just squeeze and squeeze until... POP. "Special vitamins" lmao. I'm sure no-one in the history of forced fem has ever been fed estradiol while under the impression they were just shoring up their vit c. Right??? God I love Chris still not breaking, still putting the pieces together, pushing back, fighting back, even as the despair — the thought that his wife might be mere miles away — threatens to consume him. And that he doesn't get phased by a bit of jizz! Really hoping Cindy's profile is just a lie to put people off the scent, and that she actually got to go home, because https://i.imgur.com/vfoZPmm.gif His captors being proud of him is such a lovely knife to his psyche. He needs to fight back, he needs to protect his personhood and his individuality, but the thought of pleasing them has got to HURT. I am ADDICTED to this series, Emory. Just like all the others. God damn. You got me.


What a great episode Em! I love the fight and Chris's line of thinking. And I find the last page of the episode super interesting. It seems pretty congruent to me with what we already knew about her captors. They hate men and love strong women, so Chris' little rebellion must have been very much to their liking. I imagine that this thought of theirs (twisted and psychopathic), has a lot to do with that disfigured face (acid?) that covers with a cyborg mask (is what I intuit, although you have not let us see it well yet), so I still expect many twists and turns in this story, and I look forward to it. 😘 On the other hand, what a pity that Chris in the present has shaved her hair (logical on the other hand), because in this episode you have drawn her beautiful. As always Em, keep up the great work!


woooooooooooow... my jaw dropped so low it is probably on the other side of the planet now... ❣️❣️❣️

Ella Cherry

Lovely chapter! ❤️


I would like to recommend that "the Stinker" be sent to Mr. Xu for an "attitude adjustment". In addition, he would be a lot easier to draw after his body hair is removed!


Thank you so much, Rex! I love how much you’re enjoying Chris’s story. You’ll get to see what happens next tonight with Episode 9! I can’t wait to hear what you think. 😄


Wow! I really appreciate that, animal. 😁 I feel the same way. One minute my favorite is Jack & Jill, the next it’s Half Sisters, then Homecoming…. I guess that’s a good sign! I can’t wait to post the new episode for you later today. ❤️


Hm! You mean that Chris’s wife is in on all of this? That’s a scary thought, Tiki!


Absolutely. I’d say she’s already beginning to have a big effect on his mental state.


You’re right, Erica. I imagine Chris was a serial monogamist. Now he’s faced with these hard choices… Can you imagine?


Agreed, Patrick. She seems to “like” Chris more than her other captives. And yet that has to be screwing with his head. Even Cindy was shocked that Chris hadn’t needed to be physically forced to do anything.


Thanks so much, France! I love your vivid descriptions of Chris’s attitude. ❤️ He has a strong heart… But Bella seems determined to break it.


Thank you so much, Ella! Can’t wait to hear what you think of the new chapter. 😁


😂 He definitely deserves a change of perspective, Bowie! I’ll definitely see what I can arrange with Second Dawn… 😉


😂 What a wonderful description, Maggie! I’m so glad you liked the episode. Do you think Chris will be able to keep his integrity and mental strength intact?


Thank you, thank you, ckarya! You’re absolutely right that Bella admires strong women (and considers herself to be one, as well). Since the men she captures frequents sex workers she puts them in a position of becoming a sex worker themselves. Because of who they were, it makes sense that they become the sort of submissive people they IMAGINE those sex workers to be. Chris is different because his capture was a “wrong place, wrong time” situation. His fiancé is obviously a strong and capable woman, so that’s what he likes in women and what he has begun to emulate. And I agree of course that Chris is very beautiful with long hair. Maybe he’ll decide to grow it out again. 😊


Thank you, Alyson!!! ❤️ “Stinker” is such an immense prick. 😡 Maybe he’ll sign up for more testicle squeezing sessions and Chris can do some real damage. Chris is strong, strong, strong. And the source of that strength is his love of Kayla. Of course, now that he’s back with her, he can’t help but wonder if he is still worthy of her love with everything he had to do to return to her. Cindy will come back into the story before the end! Bella is showing a bit of her softer side here… Which, to me, is somehow even more scary than her tough side. Do you want a person like her to like you or hate you? Either seems perilous for it’s own reasons. 😬 Can’t wait for you to read the next episode!

Alyson Greaves

Chris doing the time for your dick flattening meme, but having to mime it and getting demerits because Stinker's never played charades before


He is very strong... and I hope he will understand that he is closer to she now... and will allow to regrow her hair cause I must admit I am not a fan of Sinéad O’Connor hairstyle... ;)