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I'm so excited to release Taylor Made!

I had a blast writing it, and TGAmelia's artwork is fantastic! I love working with her. You should all check out her comics! 

I'm super happy with how everything turned out. I can't wait to hear your thoughts and if you enjoy the story please let me know so we can make more episodes. 😊



Jessica Thence

I am sure it will just be one innocent night and then everything will g back to normal, right? That is usually how these things work?

Alyson Greaves

Oh my god I'm loving this. And the art is so good!

Helena Grace

Art is really cute and the story has all kinds of possibilities.


Too short!!! You hooked us on the story I need more!!…..Great job hopefully this one continues


Loooooving this series! Wow.


Doctor's mistake was not to take into account genetics? :D Good start, can't wait to see how this continues :)


I remember some old 2 captions with the same begining of story, even the red dress.

emoryahlberg (edited)

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2023-05-22 00:28:53 Wow, good memory, Boby! 😊 Yep, that was one of my captions, which I wrote back in 2014. That was a few years before I even started on Jack & Jill. You can find it here: https://changedforpleasure.blogspot.com/2014/06/the-best-of-bad-situation.html Obviously, I've never been able to get Taylor's story out of my head. I've wanted to continue and expand it for a long time. I'm so happy to finally get the chance. (Crazily enough, the dress is a coincidence -- TGAmelia didn't see the original caption 😂)
2022-09-27 09:20:37 Wow, good memory, Boby! 😊 Yep, that was one of my captions, which I wrote back in 2014. That was a few years before I even started on Jack & Jill. You can find it here: https://changedforpleasure.blogspot.com/2014/06/the-best-of-bad-situation.html Obviously, I've never been able to get Taylor's story out of my head. I've wanted to continue and expand it for a long time. I'm so happy to finally get the chance. (Crazily enough, the dress is a coincidence -- TGAmelia didn't see the original caption 😂)

Wow, good memory, Boby! 😊 Yep, that was one of my captions, which I wrote back in 2014. That was a few years before I even started on Jack & Jill. You can find it here: https://changedforpleasure.blogspot.com/2014/06/the-best-of-bad-situation.html Obviously, I've never been able to get Taylor's story out of my head. I've wanted to continue and expand it for a long time. I'm so happy to finally get the chance. (Crazily enough, the dress is a coincidence -- TGAmelia didn't see the original caption 😂)


Thank you and big agree! I have a lot of ideas brewing for Taylor's collegiate life.


Thanks, animalmusic! 😁 I have a ton of ideas, so I hope so, too. My current plan is to cut into different parts of Taylor's life, one episode per semester. What do you think?


Thank you, DJ! 💖 It's definitely a passion project. I've had this story in my head for years.


😂 Yeah, Taylor's mom is obviously quite well-endowed. Like mother like...son? Thanks so much, punarotta. I'm looking forward to collaborating with TGAmelia on more. I had so much fun.

Helena Grace

Mistaken identity was my favourite genre for trans adjacent stuff before I came out. Felt better than all the forced femme. Though Taylor's medical situation doesn't seem to be a mistake as such


I completely understand what you mean. 😊 And it’s not mistaken identity YET… 😁

Helena Grace

Just that tiny bit of disconnect between thought and consequences. It's delightful.

France Day

Images and words are like looks and words together creating a moment of magic bringing out the silence and freedom of its own light.


It seems there are outside factors influencing his change and I think the Mom and doctor are together on this It will be fun to see him continue to change And how his mother or other help ( a hired girlfriend perhaps) directs him along like One of my favorite story’s Jaycee by Vicky Tern. https://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/fiction/16509/jaycee


This is a very funny story and art, let's hope it will be more recurrent than just 1 episode per semester....😉 Congrats to you and TGAmelia!


This definitely deserves to be long multi-seasonal comic with your epic renders or TGAmelia drawings... ❣️❣️❣️

Allan Kim

I can't wait the next episode!

Erica Rost

I started translating it into French. Have to say, it's a pretty cool story.


I can’t wait for the next episode. ❤️🥰


Great job on the story, Em! And shout out to Amelia on the art! Looking forward to seeing more episodes. On another note, not even taking the boobs into account, Taylor has a really girlish figure. With those hips, I feel like there's more than just gynecomastia in play here.


Thank you so much, France! I don't think Taylor would agree about this being "magic," but I'm glad you think so. 😊

emoryahlberg (edited)

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2023-04-30 23:05:09 Thank you so much, ckarya. Based on the response here, there will definitely be more episodes. 😁 I don't want to get too "in the weeds" with Taylor's story, though. We already have Half Sisters, Jack & Jill, and Homecoming which go very in-depth.
2022-09-29 08:33:42 Thank you so much, ckarya. Based on the response here, there will definitely be more episodes. 😁 I don't want to get too "in the weeds" with Taylor's story, though. We already have Half Sisters, Jack & Jill, and Homecoming which go very in-depth.

Thank you so much, ckarya. Based on the response here, there will definitely be more episodes. 😁 I don't want to get too "in the weeds" with Taylor's story, though. We already have Half Sisters, Jack & Jill, and Homecoming which go very in-depth.


Merci beaucoup, Erica. J'ai essayé de rendre l'histoire aussi amusante et intéressante que possible. 😁


I'm already writing it, Rex! It probably won't be ready for October but should be good for November. 💖


Thank you, Cry! Taylor also mentioned he hasn't really had much in the way of beard growth either, so you're probably quite right that there's more to his "developments" than he realizes. He claims they did a genetic test, but maybe they missed something. 😉

Erica Rost (edited)

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2023-04-30 23:05:10 https://www.patreon.com/posts/une-folie-de-vie-72643023?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator. Sorry, the English translation has not yet been made.
2022-09-29 18:13:47 https://www.patreon.com/posts/une-folie-de-vie-72643023?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator. Sorry, the English translation has not yet been made.

https://www.patreon.com/posts/une-folie-de-vie-72643023?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator. Sorry, the English translation has not yet been made.

stacy C

Another great collab between you two ......looking fwd to more :-) x


Absolutely loved it! I can't wait for the next episode.