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Ryan comes face to face with his captor.

A big episode at 20 pages! Yay! 😊 The Ryan we see in the flashbacks is looking more and more like the Ryan we see in the present, but she's still only about halfway "there."

I hope you're enjoying reading his story as much as I'm enjoying creating it. Ryan is challenging Jill's beliefs just as she's beginning to come to terms with what has happened to her. What will be the result?

As ever, I can't wait to hear your thoughts! 

EDIT: Some dialogue was missing! 😮



Jessica Thence

Seeing Mr. Xu feels like an encounter with the big bad final boss in a video game.

Tiki D

Jill is going the motions of her being her own person and formal identity, Jack through Ryan. I got a feeling that she will not break that easily mentally. Plus, Xu holds 99% of the cards. He placed Jill there to test her to see if she would rebel or aid Ryan.

mdtrentotto dodici

Companion? Toy training? There is a lot of information still missing. As always, one answer, 2 more questions. It should be very interesting to deep dive into second dawn agenda.

Zoe Storm

There's an image missing maybe? It goes straight from Clarissa asking if Holly is still around to her saying "oh that's wonderful." Still, great update as always!


COOL last page... :> Ryan has a really good memory ;)


Great job on the exposition delivery there at the end. We're getting another little peek at how Second Dawn truly operates. It's interesting that Ryan was the one that was in the running alongside Jack to be the prime companion for the competition.

Ella Cherry

I'm loving following Ryan's story! ❤️

stacy C

I liked Ryan's subtle makeover......Xu's words seem pretty ominous tho, wonder whats in store next for our reluctant gurl. x


It's getting more and more interesting... 🤔 What would be the spark that set Ryan off? Maybe that he was sent to the "toy" line...? I'm really looking forward and curious to know that second line. Great job Em! as always leaving us wanting so much more! 😘

France Day

The facial expression of our new "heroine" shows great uncertainty in the heart of her journey and this uncertainty is pain in her psyche. I believe that this existential pain will be the opening through which Xu will work to sculpt her subject's body and mind towards her femininity, Jill will thus become a big sister in Ryan's transitional development.


I love this story (entire story) so much but sometimes I wish the progress in plot could go a bit faster... like this is so slow that it really needs mastering in patience... ;) ❣️


Good observation, Tiki. Will the 1% of cards Xu isn't holding be enough to do any damage to the old villain? Time will tell. Jill is well-placed to help bring him down, but she has no resources and now no hope. As far as she knows, she has no choice but to do Second Dawn's bidding.


Thank you! 😊 That's partly what I hoped to accomplish with Ryan's story. Not only to see his transition (which, for me, is always fun) but also to peel back the layers and see what Second Dawn is really doing behind the scenes.


Thank you! I really wanted to give us a peek behind the curtain of how Second Dawn operates, and also to show that Mason was actively involved in much of the process. Was he HAPPILY involved? Probably not. But he was still able to look at somebody being unwilling changed thanks to his breakthrough treatment and not protest when another man suggested he should become a "toy."


Thank you, Karya! Yes. As of right now, Ryan is far more passive than Jack was at this stage of his transition. But he's reaching a breaking point. Very soon, he'll snap and we'll get to see how he earned his reputation.


Thank you, France! That's an interesting thought: If Jill goes down that road, is she any different than Holly or Mason? Can we still love Jill even if she becomes one of the handlers?

France Day

Dear Emory, with this persistence in her trials, Jill is unique. When we look for the rose it is to know the path of thorns (The Song of Songs) fate is said to be more subtle than being... all roads lead to Rome. In Italian Rome is called Roma (Amor)


If there's one thing Jack & Jill has never been, it's fast-paced. 😉 Trust me, I wish I could make more pages per release, but that sadly isn't possible without sacrificing the quality. I know where the story is headed, it's just a matter of creating the art. 💖


God, this is dark. I love the uncertainty on Jill’s face, which will be reinforced by Ryan’s insistence on calling her Jack. The raison d’etre of Second Dawn is starkly revealed in all its sickness at last, and no, it was never about the money. Xu did it because he could. Finally, I can’t wait till that nasty little shit Hudson steps out of line, as he surely will, and becomes Hailey. Do it please, Emory. Stunning art as always, and, as for the psychology, wow.


Indeed, Ryan's tale is a dark one. We're getting a look into the the reason Second Dawn exists: Xu is a true sociopath with a God complex. He wants to play with people's lives, and he doesn't care much about the destruction he leaves in his wake. Interestingly, I don't think he revels in the idea of making people suffer, but he doesn't seem to care much either way. His only concern is his own amusement. As for Hudson... Davis said he ended up with brain damage after Ryan attacked him, so I don't think he's in any condition to be feminized. 😉 Also, that jaw! But you never know with Xu. He's always got something up his sleeve.