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Yes, this is copied directly from my Twitter. 😋

Do you think this would make a good episode? 



Jessica Thence

I'd watch the hell out of that.

You're name hear

That's basically the Moclans from The Orville.


I haven't seen the new series myself, but as someone somewhat familiar with the philosophy behind the original, it seems kind of uncharacteristic to vilify one gender so broadly even if it was based on long since past incidents. So the devil would be in the details: did the wars stop specifically from the gender change (i.e are the women inherently pacifist just by nature) or was there intentional mental manipulation that pacified the former men, were the wars caused by gender roles encouraging warlike behavior for men or was that something that occured independent of their social morals, how similar in nature is their culture/biology/gender system to ours, how much of their identity is maintained after the change, etc. Without these nuances handled properly it could come across as sexist. So the social commentary part of the story would require serious finesse. As a story independent of commentary, it sounds horrifying which is an aspect of my tg fascination that has always been a challenge to reconcile. My bias to this subject matter makes it hard to judge validity as a quality episode concept, all I can focus on is the potential pitfalls here. And regardless, no matter how they'd nuance the story, the internet will tear it apart either way if that's considered a factor here.


if the federation follows their prime directive then there is no story, is there?


Absolutely diabolical Emory. ❤️


Love it


The moving finger writes, and says….Go for it! 😁

Blue Dragon

I've never been a fan of the "everyone is a woman" concept. The idea of being a woman seems less interesting if everyone is a woman... not sure why.


Yes! Luckily, the Federation only ever follows the Prime Directive when the plot says they should. 😉


Interesting! I don't know much about the show or the Moclans. Are they all female?


That would be interesting for sure :)


This feels like something similar to Orville but in reverse since they had a race of all "male" aliens that surgically alter their children if female. They dropped the ball on that episode greatly.

Emily Morgan

I would read it I think




How interesting. I haven't watched the Orville. It's disappointing if they didn't do that episode well. Is the show good otherwise?