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Jill learns more about Ryan's motivations, and the beginning of his story...

Twenty new pages! Yay! We're beginning Ryan's tale and how he ended up becoming the terror of Mr. Xu's operation. He's a complicated character, but I'm really enjoying his different point of view. 

Do you think Ryan is right? I can't wait to hear your thoughts. 😊



Jessica Thence

Holly really is gorgeous. Another interesting tangent.


Poor Holly doesn't get enough love. She's trying to survive, and she had to figure out a hell of a lot on her own.


OH WOW!!! This is a good one. I don't know whether Ryan is right or not, but he is definitely seems to be determined


Good chapter Em. I'm finding Ryan's story very interesting. I want to know more about this one and how after more than 3 years and the countless bitching that must have been done to him, he still has that strong spirit and determination, Bravo for him! I think it's going to be very interesting how this connection develops for both him and Jack/Jill. What will be the outcome of this one for both of them? Who will come out stronger? Jack/Jill? Ryan? Both of them? Neither?...hehehe I love it! I think it was/is important that in this long story we see a protagonist fighting tooth and nail (although we also have our half-sister Nick/Nikki), to the point of preferring to die, rather than live "rolled over" (never better said)... although, who knows? everything can change and maybe someone (Jill), can make him understand that all is not lost and that even though they have changed his body, his mind is still intact and he has too much life ahead of him to waste it... and time to get revenge!!!! PS: Holly on pages 16 and 20 is really beautiful!!!!!

Ella Cherry

Well, I have to say Ryan is a fascinating character. I won’t be lying if I say he can become my favorite. As I said already, I like when they don’t give up! Also, I think I could sense more maturity in him than in the others, which can lead to different things in the story. So, I’m more engaged than ever! Great work, Emory!


Thank you, Rex! ❤️ Yeah, Ryan definitely has a forceful personality. He knows what he wants—even if it kills him. Is that stubbornness or strength? Hm.


I understand why, Ella! The fight is fun to watch, even if you know they’re destined to lose in some way. Ryan has been holding out for at least three long years and now Xu’s patience is at an end. His last gambit is for Jill to try to use her wiles to convince Ryan that life—even under Second Dawn—is worth living. But I think you’re right: There’s a maturity and to Ryan that isn’t present in some of the other characters. He knows who he is, and who is refuses to become. 😉

Patrick Hunt

Well, if he dies, then he dies. Not everyone wants to be "saved"


Will Jill get a vaginoplasty?


Well, these last two parts have really put a question about Holly's motives. Yet, I remember Josie was forced to do the same to Connor, not exactly cooperation but a blackmail. Knowing that I would not jump to conclusions about Holly.


What Ryan has to say in the opening frames is chilling, challenging and intriguing in equal measure and sets the parameters for the rest of his story. He’s an amazingly strong and determined individual, and there’s going to be quite a psychological battle of wills between him and Jill. I wouldn’t place any bets at this stage. As for Holly, in my book she’s merely confirming that she’ll do whatever she has to in order to survive. It doesn’t mean that she likes herself, though. As always, Emory, the mix of terrific art and dark psychology keeps the reader gripped. Superb.

stacy C

Nice start to the back story......beware of pretty girls with fancy boats hehe x


Very cool


You sound like Ryan. 😉 But that’s the question Jill is facing. She feels a lot more caring for people than she used to, and it will be very hard for her to give up on him, even if Ryan doesn’t want her “help.”


OK this will be a rant... I feel very connected to Jill and I think about couple characters from this story as real friends... but... If I say something about Ryan... it will be nothing nice... First of all (maybe I am biased IDK I hated history classes at school... History textbook was the fastest sleep aid in my school days) I think Ryan is the dumbest victim of Xu ever... He thinks he will win when they kill him instead of breaking? How stupid is that? If he had displayed even a shred of intelligence he would have immediately understood after talking to Jill (or much earlier after all he's been there just as long) that the only way to defeat the Xu is to lull their vigilance to the point where they trust you... after which smash them from the inside...

France Day

Things don't just happen, they happen just. Ryan is in the right place at the right time on the long curve of his (her) existence. He (she) has the right to truth and happiness. Presently he (she) is foaming his (her) anger.


Thanks so much, ckarya! I truly love your insightful and in-depth comments. You will absolutely learn more about Ryan’s story next month when you witness his full transition. I’ll be so interested to read your opinion then, as well. 😊 It’s obvious that this exposure to Ryan is another deliberate tactic. Certainly they want Jill to join the team, but why assign her to such a difficult and hopeless case? Perhaps because this is how she can become truly emotionally invested in the “success” of Second Dawn. If she can “save” Ryan, she’ll be able to help almost anybody accept the changes. It’s a trial by fire. Thank you on the comments about Holly, as well! She’s looking truly radiant, I agree. 😁


Thank you very much, Pelican! It’s certainly true that Holly isn’t doing these things for fun. That said, we know that Xu offered her freedom before…but it was freedom without money, without an identity, etc. This was the alternative, which she accepted.


You’re so kind, Robert. Thank you! ❤️ Ryan truly believes in his point of view. He may have been a “soft” history teacher before Holy, but this experience has hardened his spirit. His unwillingness to change / “give in” may mean he has to die—and that’s something he accepts. Can Jill do the same? I don’t think so, for two reasons: 1) That would break her heart, that she couldn’t save Ryan. 2) It would again bring up questions of whether she was simply too weak to resist Second Dawn. Holly is definitely doing what she has to do to survive, but it’s important to remember that Xu offered to let her go free after her father died. The catch was she’d been let go with no money and no identity. She couldn’t face the world that way. This was the alternative Xu offered: A lavish lifestyle as one of his “agents.” So, she did choose this. It’s possible she might’ve found a way to “survive” as an anonymous woman, although it would’ve been admittedly very hard—especially for a former wealthy man with no real skills! Thank you again!


Thank you so much for your “rant,” Maggie! And also for your insights into the motivations of the characters. 😁 I think Ryan believes there’s no winning. Even if he kills Xu, so what? He’ll be a stranger in his own body and he’ll be killed anyway soon after by Xu’s numerous body guards. Basically (and sadly), he simply wants this nightmare to end as soon as possible.


Hm! Interesting, France. Do your think Jill will help Ryan move past anger and into acceptance? It’s almost like the stages of grief.

France Day

Acceptance is one of the great steps towards wisdom and this wisdom with its light will show the way. I think that's Jill's tendency towards Ryan's anger. This passage of "Ryan" coming into existence in our history seems doomed to great revelations. T.Y.E.


Yeah... I used simple word "smash" but what I really had in mind was something much more complex... like in good movies you know... "full take over" and it not necessarily mean "kill the boss and drink the beer" thing... ;) And by "full taker over" I do not mean to run the business like Xu did from now on... no no no... I said it many comments earlier that I have a vision where this place & money would be turned into m2f official clinic facility... ;) with Jill as CEO of course ;) Mason's hormone therapy can't be lost forever...


That's really interesting, Maggie. I think Ryan and Jill believe that Xu is simply too powerful to vanquish. I'm happy to hear you're still holding out hope, however. 😊

Emily Morgan

I imagine that Jill has just found a new ally only *she doesn't realize it yet


You could well be right, Bell. But it'll certainly take a great deal of convincing on Jill's part. 😉