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"Farmhand to Farmer's Daughter" was the poll winner! Thank you to everyone who voted -- and don't be surprised if you see a "Dude Prude to Femme Fatale" theme next month. 😊

This story got way out of hand, but I had a lot of fun! Hope you enjoy it...



Jessica Thence

Nice little cap. This midwestern lady loves it!


Justin(e?) might hope for a sister - and that may happen - but as the only child, she'll inherit the farm and she seems bit too timid to lead things here, so she should be looking for a husband :D ...Of course possible that sister will be made of different stuff and she'll provide the leadership that is needed...


Boy, what kind of hormones were those to make those huge melons? I don't think Justin is walking around the farm looking for a sister. It's obvious he took to womanhood like a fish to water. I wouldn't be surprised if she turns into the farm slut. 😛


Now this is a nice start to what I'm sure will be a really good story. I too wonder about the interest in Tim, and what might happen to him. As Pelicanboss said those hormones must be really powerful. Julie has a very pretty face, and those udders were made for a holstein milk cow (I know, because I used to have to milk one.) Did the plumbing downstairs change too? Where are you going with this one Emory? 🤩😎💖


That’s a good point! She definitely seems to have come to enjoy domestic duties more than she expected, so somebody will have to be out there doing the actual farm work. I don’t think she’d have ANY trouble finding a husband. 😉


Mr. Larson trying to attract a husband for her: “She has huge tracts of land!” 🤣 She definitely seems to enjoy teasing the farmhands, at least….


🤣 Mr. Larson has a great eye for potential, I guess. 😁 Justin’s body certainly responded as if the whole “guy” thing was just a terrible mistake. Good for her! I don’t think he’s had the final change yet, but maybe soon.


What a change from page 2 to 3 LOL :) THANK YOU ❣️

Patrick Hunt

Always do like how a choice is a play in your TG stories, no matter how good or bad it turns out. As this story does not go the brainwashing route, but up to the person who made his choice.


Not to put too fine a point on it, but was Martha thinking subliminally about the cows on the farm when she designed those breasts??? And “Huge tracts of land.” Could that be innuendo? Fnaar fnaar…


Thanks so much, Patrick! I like to explore the psychology behind the change as well as the change itself. That can lead to some fun and interesting places -- I hope! 😊


😆 Quite possibly, Robert. Her new daughter certainly ended up well-endowed enough... at least up top. Hehe.

stacy C

Looks like it won't just be the cows that are going to be milked hehe x


Such a lucky girl!