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Jack & Jill is back with Phase 8.

I'm so excited to get back to Jill's story, and I hope you are, too!

The seeds are being planted for some major changes and events for all of the characters as we head toward the eventual conclusion. I can't wait to show you what's planned--and I can't wait to hear your thoughts on this episode! 💖



Jessica Thence (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-20 04:11:55 The J&J's can be a little hit or miss for me as you know but I really liked this one.
2023-02-20 02:11:29 The J&J's can be a little hit or miss for me as you know but I really liked this one.

The J&J's can be a little hit or miss for me as you know but I really liked this one.


With 10mil hanging in front of Holly's face I'm not sure if she can be trusted or not. I guess we'll have to way and see how things pan out. I just hope she doesn't betray Jill for money. In any case, she is looking hotter than ever. Of course none of them compare to gorgeous Jill. E, every new rendering impresses me even more on the accuracy of realism of your models. Looking at Holly's legs and feet in page 10 and Jill's feet in the pinup it's amazing. What kind of software do you use for the models if I may ask? You're certainly a master at it!

Emily Morgan

This is getting so good. I love the double/triple agent feel of Holly. You just don’t know whose side she is on. And I can’t wait to see how Jill will handle Conner and how far Conner has advanced. I have a feeling Jill will be completely honest with him. This is something I never ever wanted or wanted to do to anyone but I’ve seen first hand how sadistic that Fat SOB is and if we don’t play the game right you’ll find yourself someone’s sex slave before you can say snip snip. She’ll say, you need to appear cooperative enough until we can find a way out until then you need to play the hand you’ve been dealt. Can’t wait to see what you have planned

Alyson Greaves

Mr Xu, straight from a very satisfying experience, graciously granting one of the women who performed for him a reprieve from being punished for imperfect message-taking. Humanitarian of the year! God, I bet if he was a more public-facing billionaire he'd be one of those ones who donates large sums to charities run by members of their own family and get great headlines from newspapers, who then don't spend too much time looking into how much said charities spend on 'administration'. (Interjection from Mr Xu's spokeswoman: "I think you'll find that providing the world with a steady supply of very attractive women is a public service in and of itself.") Josie's safe! And she can see her son! Yes, she's in a crappy situation, but for now the Josie Task Force can take a moment to celebrate. Also, Angela using Josie's name over and over but never pronouning her feels like another window into the comfort level Mr Xu's employees (ahem) have with, well, *gestures at everything*. Holly, a true bisexual, is incapable of sitting normally. And a Nikki name drop! She's still irritating the piss out of people even when they're on different continents! What skill, what talent, what drive! Holly mouthing off to Mr Xu and pulling her double/triple/quadruple agent shenanigans while right under the eye of the beast takes some ladyballs. I'd be proud of her if I wasn't worrying about her final goals and loyalties! And, god, yes, acknowledging the necessity of Jill's actualisation AND hating but grudgingly respecting the way it was done AND being mad she didn't get to join in; the dilemma of the compassionate monster... Xu noting that Davis "doesn't understand the charges under his care", almost directly contradicting Davis' constant assertions that he's an amazing trainer and that all he needs to work with the girls are his instincts. (And I love the contrast with how Xu, Holly and the rest talk about the girls and Davis, where practically the first word out of his mouth in this update is the unpleasant (to Jill) term 'sissy'.) And the reveal that Xu knows about Holly's scheme? I KNEW she was being too casual, referencing it too often, in places there were obviously microphones! I can't wait to see how this turns out. Mr Xu being horribly manipulative by reminding Holly of the deception she's playing on Jill — who she clearly loves, as a friend if not the way she loves Janelle — and then praising her, offering her huge piles of cash, and her freedom, AND Janelle. He still doesn't trust her; he's still fond of her; he still wants her respect and loyalty. I love that he's not just a one-dimensional Evil Feminising Guy. His speech about how he's helping these people (as well as super getting off on it) is right at the top of my mind here. Speaking of Janelle: Aaaaaaah, she looks great! It's so good to see her and Holly getting to reconnect after all this time, even with the sinister, manipulative overtones. Just holding each other, touching foreheads, "I've been yours all along" oh my GOD Emory I'm DYING. And then, finally, poor Jill, having Davis come along and take a great big comedy mallet to her equilibrium and her status quo, AGAIN. Handling Connor? At least the little fucker will learn what all the people he was so blase about have been going through all these years. Incredible update. Beautiful art. Story beats that have me on the edge of my seat. I may scream. THANK YOU.

Ella Cherry

Wow! Your stories are always so good that I didn’t realize I was missing this one a lot! 😂 Great comeback episode. I loved that we learned a little more about what’s happening with various characters! Fantastic work as always, Emory! ❤️


Excellent restart of the story. I like Holly very much, but something bothers me, that game she brings herself as a double or triple agent... it makes a little red light flash in the corner of my mind. I'm still not clear what her real interests are, and whether she's for Jill, Mr. Xu or herself! And I think Mr. Xu has the same thing going for him as I do. I think those incentives of his freedom, the gratification and last but not least, Janelle's gift, are a double game to try to find out on the one hand his loyalty and on the other hand to try to gather information from Mason and Emily through Janelle's possible confession to Holly of the plan these 4 hatched (Connor too), in their meeting at Janelle's apartment. And finally we have J&J's new promotion to the "H.I.T. team", (hehehe what a fucker Davis). As Aly said above, it's going to be very interesting to see how J&J handles the feminization of her brother-in-law and to see her internal conflicts, as well as Connor's struggle. Hahahahaha I don't know who is more twisted if it's Mr. Xu, Holly, you Emory or us readers making lucubrations? That's why I love this story, what a great job Emory! PS: I usually never talk to you about your artwork because I have very little idea about that subject, I can only say WOW! it's very photorealistic and also you can see a great evolution from phase 1 to phase 8 , as well as in the other works!


When/if Holly gets $10,000,000 and becomes free... can I get in the long line of guys (and girls!) trying to propose to her?


OMG... so much information.... 16 pages.... A small number... but data compression ratio is........ ASTRONOMICAL :) :) :) ❣️❣️❣️


Holly knows she might be killed suspects hitman is going to end her life . Xu isn't going to let her go with 10M . He is sadistic telling her in advance about gift that isn't going to be real . Xu likely has a client that likes to torture beautiful nude transgenders and watch them die slowly

France Day

The mission was to rebuild the story so that the links of the imagination find the information without losing the idea of the evolution of the facts. It's a fine example of integration of the past into a new world of development, the sequel seems to me tumultuous full of twists and turns. Happy with this openness to the unexpected. TYEA.

stacy C

A very welcome return and can't wait to see Connor's fate.....sure it will be deliciously lovely x


Emory, I know I am a bit late to the part on this post but you are one of the best story tellers in the community and have some of the best renders I have seen. I look forward to each story update and pinup you post. Please keep turning men into beautiful women!


P.S. As much as I have enjoyed your work with Jack and Jill, Homecoming, and Half Sisters(And I have enjoyed all of them alot!) I think your fantasy work, like Dawnlands, has been superb! Any chance of more fantasy stories in the future?(And I know this is a long shot, but putting Josie and Angela in a fantasy setting would be a lot of fun!) Whatever you put out next I am here for it!


Thank you so, so much, Ken. Your words truly mean a great deal to me. I strive to make both the story and the art as compelling as possible. It's very nice to hear that you think I'm reaching those goals. And I'm sorry I'm late in responding! I also love the fantasy works! And, yes, I hope to do a new one in the not-too-distant future. I don't know if Angela / Holly will make an appearance -- but you're right that would be fantastic! 😀


Thank you, Stacy. I wonder how much we’ll see! The “Coming Out” dinner is relatively right around the corner. Jill can give Connor a bit of a push out of the (masculine) door, though…. And if she stays on after the dinner….


🤣 Absolutely, Bowie — although you’ll have to fight Janelle for her affections.


LOL, thank you, Maggie. I tried to fit in as much as I could without compromising the art. 😁


Thanks , France! We’re certainly entering a new chapter—both the readers and Jill herself!


I really appreciate your comment, Horn! Is Holly trustworthy? She is a survivor first and foremost… I’m looking forward to the Connor storyline, as well! You know he’s going to be damn angry with “Jack” to start….


Aw, thank you so much, Ella! ❤️ It was really amazing and fun to get back to Jill’s story. Now here’s the question: Do you trust Holly?

Ella Cherry

I think Holly does what she has to do! But I trust Janelle’s thick hips 😂