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Maybe I got a bit carried away and I'm glad I did. 😛

Also, I did the thing where I altered the faces to match better. I really love how that adds just a little more 'realism,' at least from my POV.



Alyson Greaves

hell yes hell yes man_tapping_his_head.jpg


What s sneaky little bastard! Poor dad suffering and this was all his plan. In the other hand, "she" did what she had to be herself, good for her! Although, he was a better looking as a man than she was as a girl in my opinion.


Me likey... ❣️


Dad seems like a bit of an ass if he was never going to accept a trans daughter, though. I'm not saying stealing is "right," but it seems like dad has more than enough to go around. 😉


Wondering if Andy needs to test her acting skills - for daddy - or if they manage to stay hiding... She already has all she needs ;)


That's true! She has a person who loves her and probably at least millions of dollars. She could simply stay hidden, but I think she's afraid they'll eventually be found. Phillip still looks the same, after all....

stacy C

To avoid detection maybe they should become lesbian lovers hehe x

Jessica Thence

I gotta say, I saw this coming! But I love it!