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After buying the perfect bra, Nikki and Mom go shopping for new clothes, and Mom is struck with inspiration...

I went a little overboard this time with 20 new pages. Phew! I don't think you'll mind though. 💖

I don't think it will be any secret which is my favorite page of this episode, but I'm very curious what you'll all think of the ending!

For the curious: Nikki has one more episode, and then we'll be back to Sofia's tale.  😀



Ella Cherry

First, I have to confess that I love Lauren. What a great character to spice up the story! Second, wow! Details like the bra under the shirt, both visually and psychologically, add so much depth to the story, truly amazing. And finally, I love how we didn't just start to see him in frilly pink clothes; it makes all so much more realistic, turning the story, at least for me, much more engaging. I love to watch him fighting against it! Another fantastic chapter, Emory! Congrats!

Jack Dawson

It is like watching your pokemon evolve...


So much mental anguish, throughly enjoying this one


Nikki seems to change from a nervous self-conscious teenage girl in frame 19 to a confident beautiful woman in frame 21!


The power of a mother's love! LOL. Really, she's just envisioning what a dolled-up, confident version of her "daughter" might look like!


Thank you, Arty! Mental anguish sucks in real life but is fun to write / read. 😉


I also love Lauren! And she will be back! I actually had to play around with my shaders to get the bra to show underneath the shirt, but I soooo wanted us to see it, so I took the time to get it to work. I think the effect adds realism and is also a constant reminder both to us and to Nikki that he is, indeed, wearing a bra. Nikki's fight against his changes will certainly continue for a while, but I also think what he will fight against is the control people have over him. Nikki pretends to be dominating and in control, but in reality, he has been a victim his whole life... (Gosh, I am never sure which pronouns to use for Nikki! Hehe)


OMG the quality of the images are outstanding. Congratulations. Great story too. ❤

stacy C

Oooh her hair in the end panel looks fab......so lush :-) x


Oh, Bobbie, thank you so, so much. 😘 I can't tell you how much I'm enjoying writing and illustrating Half Sisters, so that's really gratifying to hear!


once again, marvelous artwork especially with nikki’s thoughts and feelings we can see on his/her face. I was so impatient to see the next chapter and I wasn’t disappointed. You are the best to show the feelings of the new girls. At the beginning Nikki wasn’t one of my favorite but with the time she arrives in my top 3 of the new girls. The outfit choices is really good, just a taste of feminity but not too much… the picture with the bra visible under the t-shirt is a really good idea.


thanks, once again

France Day

"Nikki or the mystique of genres", a very powerful sequence highlighting the silent dialogue of this indomitable maternal closeness. Extraordinary EA.


OMG OMG OMG I am sooo late here... I am really sorry. ❣️ I have read all the comments... and I totally love how deep this story is and how deep conversation is done in those comments. I really want to write something smart here but duh, my brain is low powered lately... like I think I have lot in common with Amber from Squidz comic called "Control" :) I've just discovered recently we both share a lot... (sorry if promoting work of other artists isn't suppose to happen here). Back to Nikki story... please allow me to make a joke. Half Sisters ep.512 (5 years from now) [Nikki] Mom!!! I'll not go out in this dress I am a man did you forget??? 🤣 And now I'll try to be smart and serious for a moment (focus Maggie FOCUS). I like how this story is slowly developing... the slower the better... why? slower story -> more pics of beautiful Nikki and hey please do not forget about Sophie here as well. In my humble subjective opinion I'll allow myself to say that I strongly wish that Nikki not only will not decide at the end of this story to take back her manhood but she will embrace in absolute 100.00% her power as outstanding beautiful, powerful girl. (maybe even she wins some beauty contest[s] not only for her Mom but for herself as well? OMG that would be TOTALLY AWESOME right??? And I am back on bimbo brain again. 😂


Thanks so much, Chloé! 😀 Half Sister has been so rewarding and fun to create for everyone. And I beyond LOVE how into the characters and story people seem to be. I don’t think Nikki was many people’s favorites early on (at least not her personality, although she has always been quite pretty!). Now, though, I think people are starting to sympathize with our former football star.


Thank you very much, Maggie. I really appreciate your comment! 😀 LOL, just imagining episode 512 is making my brain hurt. But who knows...? I never expected Jack & Jill to get this far. I definitely won't be forgetting about our Sofia. We're switching back to her story soon. The story will develop at a measured pace. I don't want to say "slowly" because, to me, that means "dull" -- and it certainly won't be that! 😉 We will need to see what Nikki chooses in the end. Will she get to the point where she embraces womanhood? Will her time in skirts and bras allow her to develop a new, healthier masculinity? Will she decide she is somewhere else on the gender spectrum? Either way, it will be a hell of a journey. 😀


love it!

Winter Naomi Vera .

So far, Nikki's story is reading like a trans man's story, & to be quite honest, I think that would fit well with them. Of course, I hope they come out a better man if they decide to go that route.