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Chris is our February 2022 cover girl. She is really beginning to develop! 😀

This month, we'll have two new episodes of Half Sisters, another installment of Homecoming, a ton of captions, and a new 3D pinup featuring Josie! I'm pertty excited about that since she's a bit of a fan (and creator) favorite. I may take the opportunity to upgrade her textures since they were initially created way back in Phase 3 (i.e., 2017 😲), so don't be shocked if she's even more beautiful.

Speaking of Jack & Jill, a few of you have kindly asked when the next update is planned. I have outlined Phase 8 (it's exciting!), so I'm ready to start.

Annoyingly, I am currently only able to create around 50 panels per month. So, either Half Sisters or Homecoming will need to be put on hiatus for Jack & Jill to come back. I plan to complete all six episodes of Homecoming's "Season 1," then bring back Jill and friends.

So, all of that is to say, I expect Phase 8 to begin in April.

The question will be what will happen to Half Sisters. It may return to being a once-per-month comic, or perhaps I will switch between Jack & Jill and Half Sisters as the "main" comic for the month. I would love to hear your opinions on this, and I'll likely do a poll.

Wow, this was really long. Thank you for your fantastic support!



Larry Talbot

Looking forward to the next chapters. I'm sure this had been brought up elsewhere, but any clue (no need to hold you too it) when the next Jack & Jill will be?


If you want my opinion, I would prefer half sisters as main comics, but it is only my opinion…

Alyson Greaves

Addicted to every story you have going on right now, so when the poll comes around I will be clicking the deeply annoying "I don't know, don't make me choose!" button.


Hey Larry! I actually wrote about that in the overly long update, lol. I’m aiming for April. I want to finish up this “season” of Homecoming.


😂 We’re in the same boat. That’s why I’m trying to outsource my choosing!

Bob Marley

Was really hoping to see a new Angela snapshot. Is that still in the works?

Emily Morgan

I don’t know if it’s possible but could you create a section with the characters and a profile. It’s difficult to remember sometimes who these characters are when they change so much and we are Reading one story and then a random pinup comes along.

Emily Morgan

Is chris the brother in law of Jill ?


Chris is from “Homecoming.” 😊 Jill’s brother-in-law is Conner. I know there’s a crazy amount of characters!


That’s a great idea. 😁 I don’t think Patron does “sections” but I’ll put one tighter and repost it when there’s updates.


who is that?


That would be Connie who is Jill's BIL. I cant wait to see how that one turns out.


I love homecoming, it reminds me one of my favorite tg comics: isolated.

Emily Morgan

somehow I missed the last chapter of homecoming. this is why I didn't recognize Chris from homecoming