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I can't decide if Emily is a horrible girlfriend, or an amazing girlfriend. 🤣 




Well, it's obvious Brian was the submissive type or he wouldn't have let Emily manipulate him like that. But is he really happy? I'd say Emily is selfish, manipulative, right out dangerous.


I'd say that depends on which she loves more - Brianna, or transforming Brian...

Alyson Greaves

I mean, she freed her gf from the patriarchy. Amazing girlfriend material right there.


it almost sounds extremely clandestine and super sneaky of what she did but does he or she who is transformed very happy with the end result? only time will tell in most situations.


Hmmm fictional characters is one thing but if we are considering real life situation... Emily is amazing yes... but amazing sociopath giving man secretly estrogen... 😂 IRL is a strong no go for such practices of course.

Alyson Greaves

Mildly irked that none of the girls I dated when I was a teenager — who all, to a woman, told me I was nothing like the other boys — didn't think to try this.


😂 Aly, imagine how much trouble we’d save if more girlfriends practiced “clandestine feminization.”


She is selfish and manipulative, Pelican, certainly. Dangerous? Well, definitely to Brian's manhood, at least!


Good point, punarotta! If it's the latter, she might leave Brianna and find another poor, unfortunate "egg" to "crack."


That's a good point, CJC. If "Brianna" ends up happy as a woman -- and happy with Emily -- then I suppose all's well that ends well!


LOL - Totally agree, Maggie. Luckily, in FAKE life, we can have these sorts of fun scenarios! 😀

stacy C

hehe loved that last line......a beautiful omelette :-) x

Jessica Thence

From my perspective? Amazing. But its all relative I guess.