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Nikki grapples with the changes to her body and what they mean for her future...

I loved writing and creating this one for you! Nikki is such a fun character, even though she can be a little bitchy at times, LOL. I really like the "sisterly" relationship she's developing with Sofia.

I can't wait to hear what you think of this episode. Also, this has maybe my favorite pinup of Nikki ever (so far)!




Emory, that one was especially good. Oh NO, her mom is gonna cover up those magnificent boobs.

Emily Morgan

It’s wonderful. Her mother is *snickers* giving her mother daughter tough love. Obviously, Nikki is being treated the same as so many young women. “What do you mean I have to wear a bra?!!!’ I don’t want too.”

michelle wills

Oh Emory this is in my opinion your best work to date. I love the fact that Nikki is locked up in her Cock Cage and seeing her naked, WOW. I would love to see much more of Nikki's chastity.


Everything you do is great, however the chastity cage looks bulky and out of proportion.

Sara Dune Tone

I can’t wait to see Nikki get all femme and interacting with boys… something tells me she’s the one who’ll end up being *really* boy crazy. I hope she gets fitted for smaller and smaller cages as the story progresses too! ❤️


I can’t wait until Nikki has a vagina & starts making babies as the story progresses.


I really liked this story arc. It really explores and connects characters, expands the universe, and even gives me hope that we can still keep getting stories from characters' whose main arcs have finished in this shared universe. I know Jill's story can't go on forever but in a larger universe like this we still can get chances to see her again, get a sequel, crossover, or even flash backs to part of her conversion that were glossed over.


That is a lot I know but that is how much this new storyline excites me about the future. 🤩 Keep up the great work you're an amazing artist and storyteller. 👏👏👏

Alyson Greaves

Nikki just being all, "Hey, dude: hot girl, into you. You should definitely fuck her," is hilarious. Practically every other character in this world has gone on a major personal journey and Nikki is still a jock dude. She's so fun to read. Also I know I talk about the visuals every episode but holy crap, the HAIR. Nikki's hair getting sweatier and messier as she exercises is such a great detail, and it made me scroll back up to look at the cafe scenes again. The hair in this comic is just super good. (And the environments continue to be fantastic.)

Ella Cherry

Great episode! I loved to see Nikki’s part of the story!


Sisters are adapting quite differently :D Nikki is still very much a boy in girl's body - whereas Sofia seemed to be disgusted when suggested that she'd get intimate with a girl. Shame, she could be exactly the kind of girl Jessica likes ;)


I really appreciate that, Michelle! Poor Nikki definitely doesn't appreciate her cage as much as we do, but I suspect it'll be on there for quite a while...


I actually agree, dov. Unfortunately, there are limited options for modeling. Also, Nikki's dick is actually quite large (for now). Hopefully Nikki will "graduate" to a smaller one, hehe.


Hahaha - Well, she's definitely the "hornier" sister at this point so that's possible. And I hope she will shrink, too... If she doesn't give Zach what he "wants" that's what'll happen!


Wow, JS, thank you so much for your kind words. I really appreciate it! I'd love to explore more aspects of Sofia, Nikki, Jill and all the others' shared universe. I have plenty more ideas these characters and where their lives are going. We know that the society feminizing these young men is vast and powerful and has been in operation for many years. Who knows how many other young men have been converted? I also love the idea of a Jill "sequel" or "crossover" after her main story is finished. For obvious reasons she's still my favorite of the ladies and it will be hard to lose her when her story concludes. However, I think it would be nice for the readers to get more of her in some way...


You are so kind, Aly. Thank you! Nikki is definitely more resistant to having a major personal journey than the other girls! Nicholas had a pretty great (and privileged!) life before he was transformed into Nikki. And now she has supposedly been changed into a sex toy for his rival. Yeesh! I think that ol' jock dude personality is likely to be around for a long, long time. And, again, thank you so much for noticing the hair! I worked an embarrassingly long time on the hair to make it looked messed up and sweaty. I also tried to make Nikki sweaty and a little "un-pretty" in those scenes. It is a fun challenge to render a character to be both cute and hot AND sweaty and gross!


Yes! They are handling their changes very differently. Sofia / Scott may feel the battle is already over. After all, he has lost a precious part of his manhood forever. Nikki, on the other hand, still thinks he can win the war and take home the trophy -- his masculinity! We'll see how THAT turns out... LOL

Alyson Greaves

"both cute and hot AND sweaty and gross!" I can just about manage any two of four. Oh, to be a rendered character...


Water is soft but can cut through rock and Nikki is starting to soften up by water. It's just a matter of time and she will start to accept and even like her new body. This kind of character development is why I enjoy reading your stories so much. Excellent!

michelle wills

Oh i hope not. I hope that Nikki will hate and try and fight her feminization to the day she dies.


The psychology in your stories is deeper, and darker, than most, and Nikki and Sofia, while both defiant in their situations, react very differently. It’s going to be very interesting to see how their characters develop as the narrative shifts.


Fight her feminization to the day she dies? How cruel is that? Beyond my imagination. I would be enormously happy if she accepts her new form in the future.

stacy C

I agree that pin up is smoking hot......those legs :-0 x


I think Nikki is in for a long, difficult road to see if she can accept life as a woman...


Thank you so, so much, Robert. That is so gratifying to hear, because that's exactly what I'm going for. Nikki is more than a little selfish and egotistical. When she was "all guy," this was probably seen as an asset, especially as a football player. But this trait is not considered attractive or appropriate for girls. Nikki will need to adapt. Of course, she can still manipulate people, but it won't be with muscles or intimidation anymore! Hehe.