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Scott / Stacy / Sofia (talk about an identity crisis!) accompany the mysterious Jessica across town, lured by answers about the fate of Mrs. Ferris' daughter...

Half Sisters, Episode 10 is here and I hope you enjoy the conclusion of Sofia's POV! I'm sure you'll be able to tell I really loved writing and illustrating this one. Jessica has a primal sort of energy I really enjoy. Maybe Sofia will be able to experience it differently later on. 😉

Next, we'll switch back to Nikki's point-of-view. And what a story she has. After all, this all started when she asked Sofia if she'd ever been "found out" as a boy. I wonder why? 😛

I can't wait to hear what you think and thank you so, so much for your support!



Alyson Greaves

I wonder how long Sofia can keep being really obviously new to womanhood (or being seen as a woman, anyway) without Jessica thinking, hang on, I know this song... Jessica's flat is really nicely rendered, and the effect on page 7 with Sofia out of focus against the light coming in through the blinds in Jessica's bedroom is really nice. Half Sisters continues to be just really nice-looking all-round. (Reading through, I see I said 'really nice' three times here. My excuse: still working on my morning coffee.) Sofia jumping straight to the forced-fem conclusion re the OG Sofia is hilarious. Occam's razor, kiddo! Jessica and OG Sofia having a really close only-two-queer-kids-in-town friendship is so sweet, sad and incredibly relatable. Extremely excited for Sofia's turn from thief to amateur detective (via girl). And sort of hoping she gets to be friends with Jennifer so she knows someone who's not a jock or a possible murderer... Fantastic episode.


Hopefully she comes clean asap I feel that’s the best way to get Jennifer on her side

France Day

An episode which announces a new turn in the events of the life(s) of Sofia(s). The structures (drawing and language) direct us towards a more than friendly bond between the enigmatic Jessica and the pretty and still teenager Sofia. A door is slowly opening towards active and bipartite involvement. TYEA

Diana Bialaska Hansen

Definitely quite a twist. I do wonder if the real Sofia ran off because her parents could not accept her. And now Mrs. Ferris is trying to remake the daughter that she could not accept back then? In her own sick and twisted way.


Great story... so far. For a side note, Jessica's art work is impressive. It is always nice to see yet another side of your talent, Emory!


Fantastic job as always. I'm especially a fan of page 9. Really well done.

Ella Cherry

Great revelation! Amazing chapter, and by the way I really liked Jessica’s art! 😊


Excellent story building


Thank you so much, Aly! I'm glad you like the look of Jessica's apartment. I really wanted it to look comfortable (despite its small size), and reflect her personality and interests. No doubt you're right and Sofia's obliviousness to her new situation will eventually dawn on Jessica. That is, if she doesn't catch a peek of "Little Scott" first somehow! And thank you so much for mentioning the lighting on page 7. I must admit I was proud of the cinematic effect! When I'm creating a render, I really try to think of how it would be filmed if we were lucky enough to have a "Half Sisters" movie. Poor Sofia thinks forced feminization is happening around every corner! LOL. Of course, we might be able to forgive her considering she's inhabiting the same universe as Mr. Xu, etc. I, too, am excited to watch (and write!) the blossoming friendship between Sofia and Jennifer. With their new found alliance at discovering what happened to OG Sofia (love this term, btw) I'm sure they'll have many adventures to come. Thanks again, Aly!


And there is certainly a possibility of more than friendship with them since Jennifer is into girls!


Thank you so much, Frances! I am glad you enjoyed the new Sofia episodes. Hopefully the lives of the "OG Sofia" (as Aly calls her) and the "new Sofia" won't mirror each other too much, but I think echoes between their lives are inevitable and even desirable. Thank you!


That is a good question, Diana, and one which is central to the mystery of the "true" Sofia's disappearance and eventual death. It seems quite possible that Mrs. Ferris is attempting to restore the daughter that she lost. But that didn't seem to always be her intention. Remember, in "Maid for Life" it was Mortimer who first gave Scott more feminizing hormones than Mrs. Ferris had originally ordered. Of course, that begs the question of why Mrs. Ferris even had estrogen at all in her possession? 😉


Thank you so much, Bowie! Jessica is beautiful AND talented! That doesn't seem fair, LOL.


Thank you so much, Cry. That is one of my favorites, as well. I wanted to set a mood.


Thank you so, so much, Ella! I've been planning this reveal for a while, so I was really happy to see it come into the light, so to speak. Hehe.

stacy C

Love the before and after pics.....they look almost photo-realistic :-) x

Winter Naomi Vera . (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-17 05:42:19 There has to be a deeper meaning behind why Sofia Sandy chose the dress Jessica gave to the real Sofia. Like, I feel Sofia Sandy is unknowingly trans, but hasn't come to terms with it yet, & Mrs. Ferris kind of threw her in the deep end of the pool before she was ready. Of course, Josh could get her there at her own pace, & I think they made tremendous progress together. Also, I love that the original Sofia was a trans girl too. There's a kind of mirroring going on. I personally think Sofia's father murdered her. Probably locked her up & put bars on her room until she "overcame" being trans, & when that failed, he murdered her. Of course, I'm only guessing, but I can't wait to follow this mystery when we return to Sofia Sandy's story again. I also can't wait to see how much further Sofia Sandy's journey toward accepting herself goes.
2022-03-19 06:28:51 There has to be a deeper meaning behind why Sofia Sandy chose the dress Jessica gave to the real Sofia. Like, I feel Sofia Sandy is unknowingly trans, but hasn't come to terms with it yet, & Mrs. Ferris kind of threw her in the deep end of the pool before she was ready. Of course, Josh could get her there at her own pace, & I think they made tremendous progress together. Also, I love that the original Sofia was a trans girl too. There's a kind of mirroring going on. I personally think Sofia's father murdered her. Probably locked her up & put bars on her room until she "overcame" being trans, & when that failed, he murdered her. Of course, I'm only guessing, but I can't wait to follow this mystery when we return to Sofia Sandy's story again. I also can't wait to see how much further Sofia Sandy's journey toward accepting herself goes.

There has to be a deeper meaning behind why Sofia Sandy chose the dress Jessica gave to the real Sofia. Like, I feel Sofia Sandy is unknowingly trans, but hasn't come to terms with it yet, & Mrs. Ferris kind of threw her in the deep end of the pool before she was ready. Of course, Josh could get her there at her own pace, & I think they made tremendous progress together. Also, I love that the original Sofia was a trans girl too. There's a kind of mirroring going on. I personally think Sofia's father murdered her. Probably locked her up & put bars on her room until she "overcame" being trans, & when that failed, he murdered her. Of course, I'm only guessing, but I can't wait to follow this mystery when we return to Sofia Sandy's story again. I also can't wait to see how much further Sofia Sandy's journey toward accepting herself goes.

Winter Naomi Vera .

The fact that Sofia Sandy (I call her that because Sandy was her initial chosen name, & she clearly has an attachment to it, possibly because it reminds her of her love for Josh) chose the exact same dress Jessica gave the OG Sofia is definitely one such echo. Of course, I don't doubt we'll see more, but yeah. I hope OG Sofia's story is much different from Sofia Sandy's story.

Jessica Thence

This is a really fun series and I love that there is a Jessica!