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Halloween is almost upon us! And that means the Platinum Star members get to choose sexy-spooky costumes for the "girls" to model. πŸ˜€

How this will work: Please choose your favorite costume idea from below. The girls will be forced to wear the Top 3!

(Maybe it goes without saying, but you should append "sexy" in front of all these costumes 🀣)



Is something wrong with you all? vote STEAMPUNK!

Rex (edited)

Comment edits

2021-12-02 19:36:47 Generally Steampunk is not something I ever care to see, but when Emory says the outfit will be gorgeous, I’m convinced & will give the category my vote. πŸ˜‡
2021-10-27 20:06:51 Generally Steampunk is not something I ever care to see, but when Emory says the outfit will be gorgeous, I’m convinced & will give the category my vote. πŸ˜‡

Generally Steampunk is not something I ever care to see, but when Emory says the outfit will be gorgeous, I’m convinced & will give the category my vote. πŸ˜‡

Emily Morgan

school girl (because thats like a must) a vampire because well duh and steampunck because why not