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Phase 7 concludes with Jill making a gut-wrenching choice...

Phew! I needed sixteen new pages to bring this part of the story to a close. I hope you enjoy Phase 7's finale. 

I think my favorite panel in this one is 15 (I don't include the title page). I love the expressions on everyone's faces, and the little peak we get between Jill's thighs. I also think she looks gorgeous in the morning light. 

I can't wait to hear what you think!

And thank you so, so much for your support. It means the world to me. 💖



Tiki D

Xu and Davis have all the cards on Jill.

Tiki D

It looks like Connie is going to become canon instead of alternate universe.

Tiki D

I can't wait Connie transformation sequence.

Tiki D

A part of me wants Conner get what is coming to him, but through Davis' hands, not Jill's.

Tiki D

Im wondering if Emily is going to notice that her husband is missing.

Tiki D

I feel bad for Jill.


😄😄😄so coool

Empty Dubya

Can't open the PDF file like usual.

claude thibaud

Hello, "Josie" s sad face is beautiful and I can't wait to see more of "Connie".


Maybe problem is that downloaded file is named "1" - filename looks ok here, but what gets downloaded is something else. e.g. missing extension could be the main issue? (after renaming file worked ok for me)

Jack Dawson

I feel there is some diversity lacking. Hope we will see Angela in the future.


Great as usual , could be great to see Josie in XU party with her new husband to complete the trophy wife future we decide , and ir could be great to se jill as a willing part of xu organización as her new concubine or personal assistant


Like Davis said, maybe she could be the best new "handler" ushering other guys into womanhood, only with a bit of a "maternal" attitude... 😉


What a fun end to phase 7! You keep raising the bar for just how much fsr they'll go to try and break Jill and I love it!! It's great to see Josie back, although she looks miserable. I wonder how Emily will react to the news. Will she, and by extension we, see Connie in the future?


she even becomes a evil mistress!!

Halima Abdi

wow, the climax to this is *bone chilling*, was not expecting things to take such a insanely dark turn! Interesting to see Jill become a more morally ambiguous character. Perhaps this is the beginning of her path to villainy...


Thanks, Halima! Technically, she was saving Connor life... I suppose she think being turned into a woman is better than being turned into a corpse!


Thank you, Claude! I think it's safe to say Josie is still not happy about her transition... Connie will be fun to change!


Thank you, Ken!!! By making Jill initiate the feminization of her brother-in-law, do they hope to bring her "into the family" so to speak? How can she ever face Emily again knowing what she did...even if it was to save his life?


Another Emory wild twist upside down right side up . Jill needs to become ruthless violent sexual . Her desire will grow with skills of seduction . The only direction for Jill is power sexuality . Glad Jack Jill story has 7 down 3 more to go . $5 per month is a good value and I sure look forward to each new chapter . It is a major fantasy to morph change into gorgeous woman like Jill or handsome muscular man . Wow to be that sexually attractive woman or man .

Alison St John

What an epic set up, so much manipulation, using Connor's weakness as way to trap him and forcing Jill to do something else by making a life or death decision, how must she feel.......defeated !!!!


This is a dark tale... but I had to laugh when Davis said "It's sick. And coming from me, that's saying something." 😄😄😄


Thank you, Alison! I imagine poor Jill is indeed feeling like the deck is stacked against her...and has been for years!

stacy C

Poor Jill.....the feminize'ee now becomes the feminizer, what a twisted fate......and oh so wicked! hehe x

MJ Bueide

Maybe I missed something - but I'm left wondering what happened to Madison and Grant. How did Jill end up in bed with Conner?


What happened to Madison? Wad she in on the coercion with Davis and Xu or was she just used without knowing? Jill wakes up with her brother-in-law in bed and where did Madison go?


Jill had a wild, wild night so she has gaps in her memory. But don’t worry, Pelican! You’ll find out more about the end of that night and see more Madison is Phase 8! In fact, it’ll start with a kind of flashback to that night from her POV, showing what happened after Jill’s memory goes fuzzy.


Hi MJ! You didn’t miss anything. But don’t worry, you’ll find out more about that at the start of Phase 8. We’ll start with a kind of flashback to that night from Madison’s POV. More happened than we know about right now…

Ohe Fan

Some more tales of Connie as a short spin-off would be nice. She should be some contrast to Emily and Jill, a bob-haired red with small b-cups would be a nice addition to the family..

Emily Morgan

Jill's expression in the last page is interesting to me, it makes me wonder just what she is feeling and thinking, its that type of smile you give when you hope someone can forgive you and you know they can't possibly under that you are doing what is best for them given the options


You've hit the nail on the head, I think. Jill was understandably pissed at Connor for cheating on her sister, but she doesn't think he deserves to be transformed into a woman. But the choice was -- seemingly -- either that or death! Was Davis bluffing? We'll never know. But how can Jill every face Emily knowing that she fated her husband to womanhood?

Alyson Greaves

I finally got caught up on this and just wanted to say how much I appreciate the time you spend in the characters' heads. It's what — for me — really makes it an involving story with characters whose fates I'm invested in. That the art is often really beautifully presented also helps! :)


Thank you so much for taking the time to say so, Aly! I truly, truly appreciate that. For me, the psychological aspect of the change / situation can be just as compelling as the physical transformation. I want Jill to LOOK as real as possible but -- more importantly -- I want her to FEEL as real as possible, too!

Alyson Greaves

Completely agree. I've been returning to the sorts of things I read when I was a teenager, largely out of curiosity and only a little out of unearthed horniness, and your work is absolutely the most interesting to me, largely because of this.

Alyson Greaves (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-29 10:33:15 Also, I don't know if anyone else has mentioned it, but the mega archive is missing J&J phase 7 part 23.
2021-10-14 12:53:21 Also, I don't know if anyone else has mentioned it, but the mega archive is missing J&J phase 7 part 23.

Also, I don't know if anyone else has mentioned it, but the mega archive is missing J&J phase 7 part 23.


Thank you so much, Aly. Your comment truly means a great deal to me. Although I hope my comics are sexy, I also want the characters and story to be compelling! And thank you for letting me know about the missing episode. It has been uploaded now! 💖


OMG, OMG, OMG this is so good... how many phases/chapters you're plannig for this amazing story? 10? 20? I imagine at the end scene Jill will finally defeat XU and take over his chair including all of his assets... and along with Dr Mason staring a 100% legal company about helping all men who wants to transition into their true form. And of course she (Jill) finally will accept fully her new form.

Jessica Thence (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-17 05:42:39 J&J isnt always my thing, but damn that was an awesome story!
2022-04-08 15:09:24 J&J isnt always my thing, but damn that was an awesome story!

J&J isnt always my thing, but damn that was an awesome story!


Thanks, Jess! And you’ve caught up just in time for the start of Phase 8. ❤️

emoryahlberg (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-17 05:42:39 Sorry I missed this comment before, Maggie. J&J is planned to have 10 phases, with some being longer than others. ❤️
2022-04-08 19:09:16 Sorry I missed this comment before, Maggie. J&J is planned to have 10 phases, with some being longer than others. ❤️

Sorry I missed this comment before, Maggie. J&J is planned to have 10 phases, with some being longer than others. ❤️