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I hope my American patrons are enjoying their holiday!

Here is another fun caption inspired by the Weekly World News. 😉




Wufff! What a relieve! And here I thought that my hair loss, growing tits and shrinking penis was due to gettting old and fat. This gyno disease I can deal with. LOL! 😂😂


This is delightful

France Day

The will of the soul has its reasons which reason does not know. Through this disease, we can understand freedom to expose itself to the eyes of men. Fate is smarter than us. Beauty is the signature of an angelism.

Ella Cherry

Oh… that’s a pandemic I would find much, much less terrifying. Who am kidding? I would do anything to catch gynemorphosis 😜


The physical changes caused by Gynemorphosis are incredible... but... I wonder if there will be corresponding mental changes!


I imagine there must be, Bowie! As the testosterone is eradicated, feminine feelings grow. In many cases, the victims become AT LEAST bisexual -- with a craving for the masculine features they once had!

stacy C

Hopefully this hits the UK soon hehe x

Ella Cherry

Let me just say that all the care I’m having with COVID wouldn’t exist for gynemorphosis at all 😜

Jessica Thence

Coolest. Pandemic. Ever. (And sexiest).