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Fraylim recently did a bunch of amazing fan art for Nikki — so I returned the favor!

This is Stuart / Stacy from Fraylim's unfinished work about a nerd who becomes a babe through the machinations of his well-meaning aunt (and hormones and surgery, of course). 

You can see more of Stuart / Stacy on Fraylim's DeviantArt account, linked above. I hope I got close enough to 'her' look!


P.S. There's a little fictional 'meet-up' as well. Can you say crossover!? 




I'm not familiar with the story, but awesome renders nonetheless!


School Daze, the greatest TG story never told!


Looks great. Does anyone know, where I could find the story to school daze?


as far as I know there actually is no story. there is art work online for a story that never seems to have been completed. I first learned of it on Femur's TG Comics and Stories site. it you go to the forum there and go back to the earliest days of the site there are references to and pictures from the story. o page 539 there is some fan art from CBlack, which is very well done. you can google Fraylim and school daze and find the original artwork . ias far as I know, the project was never completed


love it as always!


Thanks, Cry! Unfortunately it has been in development for years and years. But Fraylim's illustrations of Stacy are part of what brought me into the TG genre!


Exactly! Unfortunately, according the Fraylim, the story has become so epic (novel-length) that he's having trouble illustrating everything.


Unfortunately it's not finished, but Fraylim has some great illustrations up on his DA! (linked above)


In speaking to Fraylim, there apparently IS a novel-length story which has been at least partly edited. Unfortunately, it doesn't all fit together neatly and he has had a bear of a time making it cohesive. It's a shame because I desperately want to read the tale and enjoy the wonderful illustrations. It's no exaggeration to say that SCHOOL DAZE was one of the works that really, um, "opened my eyes" to the TG genre. Hehe.

stacy C

Lovely....I always liked the Stuart/Stacy art by Fraylim because it incorporates both my names hahaha x

Jessica Thence

I will definitely have to check this out!