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As the girls' night out continues, Jill's feminine desires take the driver's seat...

This episode was amazingly fun to do. Sixteen pages! Jill is changing and blossoming before our eyes. And thank you to everyone who voted in the poll! Your choice guided the story and Jill's thoughts concerning these new female feelings and desires...

I can't wait to hear your thoughts!



Tiki D

I got a feeling that Grant and Jill are going to do the "you know what".

Tiki D

Grant is right Jill is the most beautiful queen of the Amazonians.😍😍😍

Tiki D

Jill is letting go of her inner Jack-risms and being the blooming beauty queen to be.

Tiki D

I didn't know Grant can tell Jill is sort of a trans-woman.

Tiki D

Jill is such a beautiful goddess.😤😤😤


Excellent chapter. You have a few instances where Grant and Anton's names are mixed up.


Jill is very sexy!!! the dr has done a good job


Jill knows her sexual desires now . She has become a woman body mind. Jill graves having a vagina to be penetrated deep inside her body .

james murphy

I voiced my earlier sentiments and I'll voice them again. This story just doesn't seem to move. You're losing me. We had the sister trying to rescue 'Jack". What happened there?

james murphy

We had a guy paralyzed lying in bed waiting to hear whether he was going to be "transitioned". That was what 5 episodes ago. What happened. I don't care about seeing Jill go out and dance or go to dinner. The story seemed bogged down on those type of episodes.

Harley Allen

we have to wait again…😑😑

Sara Dune Tone

Omg I love this. So excited Jill is getting into boys 😍😍😍😍


The trains finally moving! Her minds about to explode.


I love the look on Jill's face in the last frame. You looks like a woman in complete control of her man. (This may be more about power than sex!)


It's so amusing how she towers over him

Emily Morgan

let me say I love the direction this is headed. When she said that he made her feel like the most beautiful woman in the world she was proud of her "breasts" I believe her gender identity has shifted much more into seeing herself as a woman and being proud of herself oh yea and horny like a chick. I believe when all is said and done she will definitely find men attractive

France Day

Our pretty Jill learns that without the gesture, Rodin's thinker would never have existed.


it's very hot, I love it!


Thank you, Storm! The hormones have certainly produced an incredible woman with Jill!


Good point, Bowie. Jill is becoming more confident in her own sex appeal, and also more aware of her urges. She is learning how to leverage her body for pleasure.


Thank you, Velzee! I really loved putting together this episode for you. It was very VERY fun to create.


Thank you, Horn! The question of Jill's gender identity is complex. Will she ever fully embrace herself as a woman? That's a good question. But the first step is definitely admitting that her life as a man is over and beginning to see things about her current body that she can feel pride in -- even if those same traits would have disgusted her as a man.


Hehehe. Thanks, Arty! Just because Jill is woman now doesn't mean she has to be submissive.


Thank you for your feedback! It's valuable and helpful for me to hear what you think. I do believe the story is moving, though I understand if it's not currently exploring the plots that you find the most compelling. I can only assure you that we'll get back to them! Jack & Jill is supposed to be a bit of an epic, with multiple arcs overlapping and stories running in parallel. I truly wish I could create faster, but that's not my reality yet. But I have a huge story to tell, and I have to take time to tell it in a way that will satisfy. In these episodes, Jill is experiencing her first exposure to the "real world" after her forced feminization. Along for the ride is Madison, her ex-girlfriend, who is showing Jill the ropes, and Jill is learning the power and perils of femininity. Although I also can't wait to get back to the plot threads of the rescue and Connor's fate, I feel that Jill's story in the real world is important. The club / dinner scenes are the first time Jill has been a girl in public, and is part of her "socialization" that Davis and Mr. Xu feel is so critical. I hope you can see that Jill is making progress and growing. And we'll be getting back to the other threads soon! ❤️

Kirsten Roberts

Great episode. Can’t wait for the next one


Thanks so much, Kristen! As I mentioned, this one was a hell of a lot of fun to create. I think Jill looks stunning in some of these images.

stacy C

Awww looks like our Jill is developing maternal instincts......or she's just a kinky bitch hehe x