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Jill and Madison's "girls' night out" gets serious...

I like seeing Jill with a legitimate smile on her face, even if she's feeling a little lost in the maelstrom.

Fair warning: This one ends with a cliffhanger. Luckily, there's a new J&J scheduled for net week.  😃

I can't wait to hear what you think of this episode and, as always, thank you so much for your support. It means the world to me.  💖



Jennifer Dee

Oh my god. Emory, you are cruel!


LOL, I don’t mean to be, Jen! Trust me, I wish I could put out 60-page episodes. But I promise it’s happening very soon. 😘

Tiki D

Why do I have a feeling that Grant and Anton already snuck in the drug into Jill's drink that can help accelerate female desires and let loose on Grant eventually?

Tiki D

Jill is starting to let loose on her female desires by dancing with Grant in front.

Tiki D

I like Jill dancing.😉

Tiki D

Jill is literally putting on dancing show around Grant.

Tiki D

Jill is starting to her second thoughts about having sex with Madison. Her likes for women is starting to wane towards men a bit.

Tiki D

I wonder if Jill and Grant are going to get to know each other. Grant may have second thoughts about drugging Jill. Are they going to kiss?


Was that last sentence an expression to describe her dancing or what really happened to her? Is she really having sex with that midget? E you bad boy, leaving us here!


What I don't understand is why Jill is letting herself get so distracted and not use the opportunity to escape. Is Madison part of the Xu conspiracy?


Good question! Xu told her before they departed that if she tries to escape, Emily (her sister) dies.


😂 Since what we’re reading is Jill’s ‘diary,’ you can safely assume she’s describing something that actually happened!


It’s an easy thing to forget since although that was THIS MORNING for Jill, it happened quite a while ago for the readers. 😉

james murphy

I'm sorry but this Jack and Jill story seems to go nowhere. 3 episodes ago with the character immobilized on the bed had me interested. then the next thing Jill is going out again seemingly for like the 10th time or something. How cares if Jill goes out to dinner or goes dancing? I wish the story would move to some kind of conclusion. Frankly, I look forward to it each time and most times it's boring.


Jill her face first picture and picture of her asking for drinks . Jill is incredible gorgeous face . Every episode Emory improves Jills face with color make up lips full smooth skin . Jill has booty moving to a rhythm in pants deeply cut in center of her cheek crack . Reader can feel Jill glutes flexing bouncing quivering . Jill has breasts huge firm protruding forward . Her face jumps off the screen full lips for kissing . Emory Jill is the best trans gender character ever and you created her . All these new guys in story seem a odd fit . Xu can not allow average bar guys to drug his package . Jill still could use a vagina and keep her penis for a large clitoris . I think Jill is now evaluating her body parts with desire for more beauty as she looks at her hands . Jill has become more woman more sexual in cravings . Jill can now preform oral sex on men and women still erection in vagina desires . How about more sexual nude action . Readers love seeing this amazing body face shake sweat breath moan orgasm . Jill is a race horse ready for real running . I can see her hard tight long nipples aerolas getting darker firm full with dimples . Jill squirting volcanic eruption body fluids out her vagina for lubrication as readers watch in awe .


Please don't let her be drugged and rape. That would kill her emotionally now that she's beginning to accept her femininity.


Jill looks absolutely beautiful in these, particularly that last page. From my new found perspective I find this part of the story fascinating. Jill being out in public, free from her recent confinement, and being seen and seeing herself as a highly attractive woman.


I really appreciate the feedback, James. ❤️ J&J is definitely a slow burn. I wish I could make pages faster, but unfortunately I can only create so many per week. There are story beats I want to hit so that, in the future, you can re-read this epic in one sitting and it’ll feel like a complete story with no big gaps—almost like a serialized TV show. But I promise there will be a definitive ending for Jill. Hopefully these mini-plots will help the conclusion feel more, well, conclusive. At least, that’s my intent.


Thanks, Sandi! Seems as though Davis’ “socialization” is working! It’s hard to maintain that you’re a man when the world treats you as a gorgeous woman.


Would love to know how that feels! Perhaps in my dreams

Ella Cherry

Always a great update! Thanks Emory! ❤️

stacy C

I loved the scenes of Jill comparing her hands to Madison and the fact that Jill's were painted and Madison envied them hehe x

Emily Morgan

There are a number of things I liked about this part. The acknowledgement of her change in sexual desires, the impulse to be that woman that gives a little sexual attention to a sweet man and for me most importantly the unexpected dysphoric moment. I think that is huge, a shift in how she sees herself, from shame at loosing masculine traits to, disgusts at having man hands


Thank you, Horn! Jill's sexual desires have undoubtedly begun to shift. Are these part of the hormones which have already altered her body now working on her brain? Or is she being manipulated in a way that's beyond her knowledge? Was Jack / Jill always bisexual but her previous male body / identity didn't allow her to act out that desire? Is she being manipulated into becoming bisexual? Is she being manipulated into accepting her new female body and sexuality? That little moment with comparing her hands with Madison's was small but significant, as you picked up on. She doesn't want to be a woman, but that ship has already sailed. Jill is starting to understand that if she has to live the rest of her life as a woman, it's better to look like a gorgeous girl than a man in drag.